Why Henry VIII changed the face of England for Richard III

Why Henry VIII changed the face of England for Richard III

2008-08-10 14:29:51
james bowles
Henry VIII destroyed the monasteries and the basic religion going into the reign of Richard III for this reason:

After seeing the ghouls on Romanesque churches, I became fascinated with them and wondered why they were there.


It turns out that the ancient Egyptian religion had a set of (I have not) statements (that these ghouls represent) -- that were later adopted into the Old Testament as the (Thou shall not) Ten Commandments.

So the 10 commandments are Egyptian, (as are the ghouls) and Henry VIII wanted them destroyed.

This is in complete compliance with the Old Testament. Recall - that the "Lord" wrote the Testimony on the tablets - but it was Moses who wrote the commandments at the direction of the "Lord." The "Lord" did not ask that his exact words be used -- but said instead, (Exodus 34:27) "according to the tenor of these words!"

And tenor means put it into your own words. So Moses converted the 2500 B.C., Egyptian (Declaration of Innocence, "I have not") statements into the 10 Commandments of the Old Testament.


(Egyptian) O Dangerous One -I have not killed men.

(Old Testament 7) - Thou shalt not kill.

(Egyptian) O Fire-embracer - I have not robbed

(Old Testament 9) - "Thou shalt not steal.



Re: Why Henry VIII changed the face of England for Richard III

2008-08-10 18:25:45
Stephen Lark
Oh hell: More spam!

--- In , "james bowles"
<jamesbowles@...> wrote:
> Henry VIII destroyed the monasteries and the basic religion going
into the reign of Richard III for this reason:
> After seeing the ghouls on Romanesque churches, I became
fascinated with them and wondered why they were there.
> http://www.beyond-the-pale.org.uk/zDalmeny.htm
> It turns out that the ancient Egyptian religion had a set of (I
have not) statements (that these ghouls represent) -- that were
later adopted into the Old Testament as the (Thou shall not) Ten
> So the 10 commandments are Egyptian, (as are the ghouls) and Henry
VIII wanted them destroyed.
> This is in complete compliance with the Old Testament. Recall -
that the "Lord" wrote the Testimony on the tablets - but it was
Moses who wrote the commandments at the direction of the "Lord."
The "Lord" did not ask that his exact words be used -- but said
instead, (Exodus 34:27) "according to the tenor of these words!"
> And tenor means put it into your own words. So Moses converted the
2500 B.C., Egyptian (Declaration of Innocence, "I have not")
statements into the 10 Commandments of the Old Testament.
> (Egyptian) O Dangerous One -I have not killed men.
> (Old Testament 7) - Thou shalt not kill.
> (Egyptian) O Fire-embracer - I have not robbed
> (Old Testament 9) - "Thou shalt not steal.
> james
> .

Re: Why Henry VIII changed the face of England for Richard III

2008-08-10 18:57:12
--- In , "Stephen Lark"
<stephenmlark@...> wrote:
> Oh hell: More spam!
> --- In , "james bowles"
> <jamesbowles@> wrote:

[merciful snip]

Don't feed it, and it will go away.

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