Alfred D. Legge

Alfred D. Legge

2009-03-22 03:47:14
Does anyone know anything about the Alfred D. Legge 1885 book about Richard III called The Unpopular King?

I know the title is not promising though titles can be ironical, not that I associated that with nineteenth century historians.


Re: Alfred D. Legge

2009-03-22 03:57:01
fayre rose
you can download the book here

--- On Sat, 3/21/09, Helen <sweethelly2003@...> wrote:

From: Helen <sweethelly2003@...>
Subject: Alfred D. Legge
Received: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 11:45 PM

Does anyone know anything about the Alfred D. Legge 1885 book about Richard III called The Unpopular King?

I know the title is not promising though titles can be ironical, not that I associated that with nineteenth century historians.


Re: Alfred D. Legge

2009-03-22 04:57:04
fayre rose
oops. it got a way from me. here is vol 2

--- On Sat, 3/21/09, fayre rose <fayreroze@...> wrote:

From: fayre rose <fayreroze@...>
Subject: Re: Alfred D. Legge
Received: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 11:56 PM

you can download the book here
http://www.archive org/details/ unpopularkinglif 01legguoft

--- On Sat, 3/21/09, Helen <sweethelly2003@ au> wrote:

From: Helen <sweethelly2003@ au>
Subject: Alfred D. Legge
To: richardiiisocietyfo rum@yahoogroups. com
Received: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 11:45 PM

Does anyone know anything about the Alfred D. Legge 1885 book about Richard III called The Unpopular King?

I know the title is not promising though titles can be ironical, not that I associated that with nineteenth century historians.


Re: Alfred D. Legge

2009-03-22 07:17:18
Helen Rowe
Thank you

--- On Sun, 22/3/09, fayre rose <fayreroze@...> wrote:

From: fayre rose <fayreroze@...>
Subject: Re: Alfred D. Legge
Received: Sunday, 22 March, 2009, 3:54 PM

oops. it got a way from me. here is vol 2
http://www.archive org/stream/ unpopularkingli0 0richgoog

--- On Sat, 3/21/09, fayre rose <fayreroze@yahoo. ca> wrote:

From: fayre rose <fayreroze@yahoo. ca>
Subject: Re: Alfred D. Legge
To: richardiiisocietyfo rum@yahoogroups. com
Received: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 11:56 PM

you can download the book here
http://www.archive org/details/ unpopularkinglif 01legguoft

--- On Sat, 3/21/09, Helen <sweethelly2003@ au> wrote:

From: Helen <sweethelly2003@ au>
Subject: Alfred D. Legge
To: richardiiisocietyfo rum@yahoogroups. com
Received: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 11:45 PM

Does anyone know anything about the Alfred D. Legge 1885 book about Richard III called The Unpopular King?

I know the title is not promising though titles can be ironical, not that I associated that with nineteenth century historians.


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