guilty Buckingham

guilty Buckingham

2009-05-22 17:45:12
I googled the words "Buckingham guilty foreknowledge" and a hit popped right up. I was so excited to find the quotation so easily.

It was my original post in this forum a few days ago.

Ain't the internet wonderful?

(Now someone will probably pick it up as the gospel, since they saw it in print.)


Re: guilty Buckingham

2009-05-22 21:54:59
fayre rose
i did a search of the forum's archives, and hit as close to the jackpot as possible.
msg 6933 feb/25/06..posted by none other than ms katy herself, states...
begin quote
Harking back to Buckingham, just what was the "guilty foreknowledge"
(of the fate of the "princes", I believe it was) that he was supposed
to have had?

This is from More's (Morton's) "History of King Richard III."
end quote
i'll let you read and see if you can find the "guilty foreknowledge" statement.


--- On Fri, 5/22/09, oregonkaty <oregon_katy@...> wrote:

From: oregonkaty <oregon_katy@...>
Subject: guilty Buckingham
Received: Friday, May 22, 2009, 12:45 PM

I googled the words "Buckingham guilty foreknowledge" and a hit popped right up. I was so excited to find the quotation so easily.

It was my original post in this forum a few days ago.

Ain't the internet wonderful?

(Now someone will probably pick it up as the gospel, since they saw it in print.)


Re: guilty Buckingham

2009-05-23 04:27:51
--- In , fayre rose <fayreroze@...> wrote:
> i did a search of the forum's archives, and hit as close to the jackpot as possible.
> msg 6933 feb/25/06..posted by none other than ms katy herself, states... I quoting myself? That takes fox-terriering to new heights.

I read it somewhere, I swear.

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