1984 Trial of Richard III on YouTube

1984 Trial of Richard III on YouTube

2010-01-29 06:19:37
Since nearly everything else seems to land on YouTube, I thought I'd see
if this trial was there--it is. You can find the listing of all the
segments here
_type=&aq=0&oq=trial+of+Richard> .

author of This Time, a novel about Richard III in the 21st-century
website: http://www.joanszechtman.com/
blog: http://rtoaaa.blogspot.com/
ebook: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/3935

Re: 1984 Trial of Richard III on YouTube

2010-02-02 04:58:53
--- In , "Joan" <u2nohoo@...> wrote:
> Since nearly everything else seems to land on YouTube, I thought I'd see
> if this trial was there--it is. You can find the listing of all the
> segments here
> <http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=trial+of+richard+iii&search\
> _type=&aq=0&oq=trial+of+Richard> .

Note the nice detail of Richard, in period garb, portrayed by an actor who actually resembles the famous portrait (but no hunch back), sitting quietly at the defendant's table with his lawyers.


Re: 1984 Trial of Richard III on YouTube

2010-02-02 10:15:02
Anne Goodwin
The 1984 Trial of Richard III is also available on Richard III Special Edition 1955 Laurence Olivier version of Shakespeare's Richard III.

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