The Boar - a comic about Richard III

The Boar - a comic about Richard III

2010-05-07 17:35:56
Cecilia Latella
Hi fellow Ricardians,
I am happy to announce anyone interested that it is finally online the English translation of my graphic novel about Richard III, The Boar. After a first version in my mother tongue, Italian, I completed the English translation with the help of a friend of mine and a few days ago I uploaded in on lulu, a site for self-publishing.
I had contemplated for a long time the idea of writing a biographical comic about Richard, but the actual occasion came during the 2008 Ricardian Rover with the American Branch. That travel prompted me to draw scenes of Richard's life from his own point of view. The separate scenes have been eventually organized in a coherent structure which isn't at all a proper biography, but rather a very personal retelling of Richard's feelings at the eve of the battle of Bosworth.
A presentation and a preview of the first ten pages is available on my blog, at the link, along with the details of how to download it from
Best regards,

Re: The Boar - a comic about Richard III

2010-05-07 21:40:47
Cecilia, I took a peek and I think this is brilliant, especially to
attract anyone under 40. I'm going to order the down-loadable PDF
version today. Thank you for doing this.

author of This Time, a novel about Richard III in the 21st-century

--- In , Cecilia Latella
<cabepfir@...> wrote:
> Hi fellow Ricardians,
> I am happy to announce anyone interested that it is finally online the
English translation of my graphic novel about Richard III, The Boar.
After a first version in my mother tongue, Italian, I completed the
English translation with the help of a friend of mine and a few days ago
I uploaded in on lulu, a site for self-publishing.
> I had contemplated for a long time the idea of writing a biographical
comic about Richard, but the actual occasion came during the 2008
Ricardian Rover with the American Branch. That travel prompted me to
draw scenes of Richard's life from his own point of view. The separate
scenes have been eventually organized in a coherent structure which
isn't at all a proper biography, but rather a very personal retelling of
Richard's feelings at the eve of the battle of Bosworth.
> A presentation and a preview of the first ten pages is available on my
blog, at the link ,
along with the details of how to download it from
> Best regards,
> Cecilia

Re: The Boar - a comic about Richard III

2010-05-09 00:30:40
Hi Cecilia,

Have just been taking a look...the illustrations are fantastic! I hope to order a copy from Lulu soon. I tend to 'lurk' on this forum rather, but I love comics and was rather disappointed by the comic/manga version of Shakespeare's Richard III.

Many thanks

Jessica Saunders

--- In , Cecilia Latella <cabepfir@...> wrote:
> Hi fellow Ricardians,
> I am happy to announce anyone interested that it is finally online the English translation of my graphic novel about Richard III, The Boar. After a first version in my mother tongue, Italian, I completed the English translation with the help of a friend of mine and a few days ago I uploaded in on lulu, a site for self-publishing.
> I had contemplated for a long time the idea of writing a biographical comic about Richard, but the actual occasion came during the 2008 Ricardian Rover with the American Branch. That travel prompted me to draw scenes of Richard's life from his own point of view. The separate scenes have been eventually organized in a coherent structure which isn't at all a proper biography, but rather a very personal retelling of Richard's feelings at the eve of the battle of Bosworth.
> A presentation and a preview of the first ten pages is available on my blog, at the link, along with the details of how to download it from
> Best regards,
> Cecilia

R: [Richard III Society Forum] Re: The Boar - a comic about Richard

2010-05-10 17:54:31
Cecilia Latella
Thank you for the interest! I suppose it is you who left me a comment on deviantart, too (sorry, I am a bit slow in replying comments...)
I didn't know there was a manga version of Richard III. Would you be so kind to provide me a link, if you remember it?
Unfortunately here in my country it's very rare to get information on anything about Richard, so, unless they are publicized in this forum or on the Bullettin - and even in this last case - I'm more than likely to miss them.  

--- Dom 9/5/10, Jessica <jessica.rydill@...> ha scritto:

Da: Jessica <jessica.rydill@...>
Oggetto: Re: The Boar - a comic about Richard III
Data: Domenica 9 maggio 2010, 01:27


Hi Cecilia,

Have just been taking a look...the illustrations are fantastic! I hope to order a copy from Lulu soon. I tend to 'lurk' on this forum rather, but I love comics and was rather disappointed by the comic/manga version of Shakespeare' s Richard III.

Many thanks

Jessica Saunders

--- In richardiiisocietyfo rum@yahoogroups. com, Cecilia Latella <cabepfir@.. .> wrote:
> Hi fellow Ricardians,
> I am happy to announce anyone interested that it is finally online the English translation of my graphic novel about Richard III, The Boar. After a first version in my mother tongue, Italian, I completed the English translation with the help of a friend of mine and a few days ago I uploaded in on lulu, a site for self-publishing.
> I had contemplated for a long time the idea of writing a biographical comic about Richard, but the actual occasion came during the 2008 Ricardian Rover with the American Branch. That travel prompted me to draw scenes of Richard's life from his own point of view. The separate scenes have been eventually organized in a coherent structure which isn't at all a proper biography, but rather a very personal retelling of Richard's feelings at the eve of the battle of Bosworth.
> A presentation and a preview of the first ten pages is available on my blog, at the link http://cabepfir. splinder. com/post/ 22687458/ the-boar , along with the details of how to download it from
> Best regards,
> Cecilia

R: [Richard III Society Forum] Re: The Boar - a comic about Richard

2010-05-10 18:57:24
Cecilia Latella
Thank you - in fact, I was myself firstly fascinated by Richard's figure through a comic book which I read when I was about 13. It was a comic version of Stevenson's Black Arrow, in which Richard features briefly as a brave but malign captain. It was illustrated my a master of Italian comics called Gianni De Luca.
I put some scans from it here ( The texts are in Italian, but I hope the drawings will be readable just as well.

--- Ven 7/5/10, Joan <u2nohoo@...> ha scritto:

Da: Joan <u2nohoo@...>
Oggetto: Re: The Boar - a comic about Richard III
Data: Venerdì 7 maggio 2010, 22:39


Cecilia, I took a peek and I think this is brilliant, especially to
attract anyone under 40. I'm going to order the down-loadable PDF
version today. Thank you for doing this.

author of This Time, a novel about Richard III in the 21st-century
website: http://www.joanszec
blog: http://rtoaaa. blogspot. com/
ebook: http://www.smashwor view/3935

--- In richardiiisocietyfo rum@yahoogroups. com, Cecilia Latella
<cabepfir@.. .> wrote:
> Hi fellow Ricardians,
> I am happy to announce anyone interested that it is finally online the
English translation of my graphic novel about Richard III, The Boar.
After a first version in my mother tongue, Italian, I completed the
English translation with the help of a friend of mine and a few days ago
I uploaded in on lulu, a site for self-publishing.
> I had contemplated for a long time the idea of writing a biographical
comic about Richard, but the actual occasion came during the 2008
Ricardian Rover with the American Branch. That travel prompted me to
draw scenes of Richard's life from his own point of view. The separate
scenes have been eventually organized in a coherent structure which
isn't at all a proper biography, but rather a very personal retelling of
Richard's feelings at the eve of the battle of Bosworth.
> A presentation and a preview of the first ten pages is available on my
blog, at the link http://cabepfir. splinder. com/post/ 22687458/ the-boar ,
along with the details of how to download it from
> Best regards,
> Cecilia

Re: The Boar - a comic about Richard III

2010-05-12 02:04:43
Hi Cecilia,

Yes, it was me who left the comment on deviantart - I followed the link there. As I'm a member, I was delighted to see your illustrations.

The manga Richard III is here on

Because it's based on the Shakespeare play, Richard is represented as a baddie. I don't really like their interpretation of the play or Richard. I'd be curious to hear what other people think, though it is more a Shakespearian than a historical thing.

Incidentally, I searched Amazon in the book section using the name Richard III, and came up with 8,879 results! The books at the top of the list include some of the most recent non-fiction works about Richard, which is very cheering.

I also did a quick search and was pleased to find Joan's book, This Time, and have added it to my wish list.

all best


--- In , Cecilia Latella <cabepfir@...> wrote:
> Thank you for the interest! I suppose it is you who left me a comment on deviantart, too (sorry, I am a bit slow in replying comments...)
> I didn't know there was a manga version of Richard III. Would you be so kind to provide me a link, if you remember it?
> Unfortunately here in my country it's very rare to get information on anything about Richard, so, unless they are publicized in this forum or on the Bullettin - and even in this last case - I'm more than likely to miss them. 
> Cecilia

Re: The Boar - a comic about Richard III

2010-05-24 05:15:52
Angie Telepenko
I just downloaded The Boar and thought it was excellent!

And I downloaded This Time a few months ago and really enjoyed it too. Such talent we have here!

----- Original Message -----
From: Jessica <jessica.rydill@...>
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:04 pm
Subject: Re: The Boar - a comic about Richard III

> Hi Cecilia,
> Yes, it was me who left the comment on deviantart - I followed
> the link there. As I'm a member, I was delighted to see your
> illustrations.
> The manga Richard III is here on
> Warren/dp/0955285631/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1273625211&sr=1-6
> Because it's based on the Shakespeare play, Richard is
> represented as a baddie. I don't really like their
> interpretation of the play or Richard. I'd be curious to hear
> what other people think, though it is more a Shakespearian than
> a historical thing.
> Incidentally, I searched Amazon in the book section using the
> name Richard III, and came up with 8,879 results! The books at
> the top of the list include some of the most recent non-fiction
> works about Richard, which is very cheering.
> I also did a quick search and was pleased to find Joan's book,
> This Time, and have added it to my wish list.
> all best
> Jessica
> --- In , Cecilia Latella
> <cabepfir@...> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you for the interest! I suppose it is you who left me a
> comment on deviantart, too (sorry, I am a bit slow in replying
> comments...)> I didn't know there was a manga version of Richard
> III. Would you be so kind to provide me a link, if you remember
> it?
> > Unfortunately here in my country it's very rare to get
> information on anything about Richard, so, unless they are
> publicized in this forum or on the Bullettin - and even in this
> last case - I'm more than likely to miss them. 
> > Cecilia
> Try my daily trivia tournament!

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