R III authors/books

R III authors/books

2010-09-15 03:39:04
Grace Lloyd
I joined a while back but have just been lurking as my other groups have been
hot and heavy. Question: On other Yahoo groups I can search messages to find a
specific ____, I couldn't do that with this group or at least couldn't figure it
What I'm looking for is feedback/reviews of books and authors. I am not a
Ricardian expert by any means, I've read Tey, Kendall, Penman, More (boo hiss),
The Battle of Bosworth and 10- 15 others and own more not yet read. I enjoy the
fiction as well as the history. Does anyone have a recommendation on the best
way to find "good" reviews before I buy. It's easy to find a review of Allison
Weirs stuff but not necessarily an 'academic' review. I think that there are too
many 'good' books I don't have to waste my time with the sillies so I'd like to
weed out the chaff
Should I just post a list here, as I find books or is there a better way? I saw
in the files a list of the fiction but it didn't have more than title and
author. Should I just throw out a request for recommendations? I'm looking for
serious work, fiction and history. Anyone want to put up a "must read" list??
Does the UK group have such a list?

R III authors/books

2010-09-17 18:00:42
I think that our new format may be hiding your post. At any rate, The Richard III Society site at http://www.richardiii.net/ has a list of recommended reading. (Click the Richard III link on the home page and then click Bibliography.) The bibliography represents a variety of viewpoints, not all of them favorable to Richard. The standard biography representing to so-called mainstream view is Charles Ross's "Richard III, which attempts to be objective but is still, in my view, shaped by its author's preconceptions. (It's hard to write about Richard objectively!)

The American branch, http://www.r3.org/bookcase/index.html, has an online library of texts and essays and a Ricardian Reading page at http://www.r3.org/reading/nonfiction.php that links to various bibliographies. You can spend hours productively exploring both RIII Society websites (and the various branches as well).

I personally recommend Annette Carson's new book, "Richard III: The Maligned King." I'd suggest searching for recent posts on the topic, but Yahoo's new format has destroyed the Search function. I haven't read Bertram Fields' book, "Royal Blood: Richard III and the Mystery of the Princes," but I've heard that it's good.

The most poisonously anti-Ricardian author is probably Desmond Seward, but Michael Hicks, who holds "revisionists" in contempt, is a close second (in my view).

Carol, noting that you can find nonprofessional reviews of some of these books at Amazon

Re: R III authors/books

2010-09-17 22:07:47
fayre rose
the search function is still available. look to the top left of the group page.
i've also discovered the reason i am having absolutely no problems with the website/group is because i receive each message as it is posted. 
regarding books to read/recommend i think it would be helpful to know what type of info you are searching for.
also, i recommend with each book of interest you pop the title and pertinent data into the search fields at www.bookfinder.com
if the book is available for sale you can often find a wide range of prices for new and used books, plus frequently find reviews or at least a brief write up on the content of the book.
i read everything i can find from primary to secondary sources. google books has a lot of subject related books with incredible tidbits of info not often found in the r3 directed books.
you will be surprised as to the information/books you can find fully available on line. simple google a title or even a phrase from a recommended source and you can turn up some awesome gems of info.

--- On Fri, 9/17/10, justcarol67@... <justcarol67@...> wrote:

From: justcarol67@... <justcarol67@...>
Subject: RE:R III authors/books
Received: Friday, September 17, 2010, 12:44 PM


I think that our new format may be hiding your post. At any rate, The Richard III Society site at http://www.richardiii.net/ has a list of recommended reading. (Click the Richard III link on the home page and then click Bibliography.) The bibliography represents a variety of viewpoints, not all of them favorable to Richard. The standard biography representing to so-called mainstream view is Charles Ross's "Richard III, which attempts to be objective but is still, in my view, shaped by its author's preconceptions. (It's hard to write about Richard objectively!)

The American branch, http://www.r3.org/bookcase/index.html, has an online library of texts and essays and a Ricardian Reading page at http://www.r3.org/reading/nonfiction.php that links to various bibliographies. You can spend hours productively exploring both RIII Society websites (and the various branches as well).

I personally recommend Annette Carson's new book, "Richard III: The Maligned King." I'd suggest searching for recent posts on the topic, but Yahoo's new format has destroyed the Search function. I haven't read Bertram Fields' book, "Royal Blood: Richard III and the Mystery of the Princes," but I've heard that it's good.

The most poisonously anti-Ricardian author is probably Desmond Seward, but Michael Hicks, who holds "revisionists" in contempt, is a close second (in my view).

Carol, noting that you can find nonprofessional reviews of some of these books at Amazon

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