"The Broken Sword" by Rhoda Edwards review

"The Broken Sword" by Rhoda Edwards review

2010-09-18 16:10:13
I just reviewed "The Broken Sword" by Rhoda Edwards on my blog
<http://rtoaaa.blogspot.com/2010/09/book-review-broken-sword.html> .
I think this book is a classic and belongs in the classical pantheon of
novels about Richard III. In addition to other novels, Rhoda Edwards
wrote "The Itinerary of King Richard III 1483-1485" that was published
by the Richard III Society.

author of This Time, a novel about Richard III in the 21st-century
website: http://www.joanszechtman.com/
blog: http://rtoaaa.blogspot.com/
ebook: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/3935
2010 Next Generation Indie Book Awards General Fiction Finalist

Re: "The Broken Sword" (Some Touch of Pity) by Rhoda Edwards review

2010-09-21 11:54:14
I have the 1977 Arrow Paperbacks edition under the UK title "Some Touch of Pity" (why must publishers on different sides of the Atlantic call books by different titles ?) and although I haven't re-read it recently I remember it as being very good.

Richard G

--- In , "joansr3" <u2nohoo@...> wrote:
> I just reviewed "The Broken Sword" by Rhoda Edwards on my blog
> <http://rtoaaa.blogspot.com/2010/09/book-review-broken-sword.html> .
> I think this book is a classic and belongs in the classical pantheon of
> novels about Richard III. In addition to other novels, Rhoda Edwards
> wrote "The Itinerary of King Richard III 1483-1485" that was published
> by the Richard III Society.
> Joan
> ---
> author of This Time, a novel about Richard III in the 21st-century
> website: http://www.joanszechtman.com/
> blog: http://rtoaaa.blogspot.com/
> ebook: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/3935
> 2010 Next Generation Indie Book Awards General Fiction Finalist

Re: "The Broken Sword" (Some Touch of Pity) by Rhoda Edwards review

2010-09-21 18:05:18
Stephen Lark
The play "The Madness of George III" was renamed "The Madness of King George" in the States, in case a few people thought they had missed the first two parts.

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: "The Broken Sword" (Some Touch of Pity) by Rhoda Edwards review

I have the 1977 Arrow Paperbacks edition under the UK title "Some Touch of Pity" (why must publishers on different sides of the Atlantic call books by different titles ?) and although I haven't re-read it recently I remember it as being very good.

Richard G

--- In , "joansr3" <u2nohoo@...> wrote:
> I just reviewed "The Broken Sword" by Rhoda Edwards on my blog
> <http://rtoaaa.blogspot.com/2010/09/book-review-broken-sword.html> .
> I think this book is a classic and belongs in the classical pantheon of
> novels about Richard III. In addition to other novels, Rhoda Edwards
> wrote "The Itinerary of King Richard III 1483-1485" that was published
> by the Richard III Society.
> Joan
> ---
> author of This Time, a novel about Richard III in the 21st-century
> website: http://www.joanszechtman.com/
> blog: http://rtoaaa.blogspot.com/
> ebook: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/3935
> 2010 Next Generation Indie Book Awards General Fiction Finalist

Re: "The Broken Sword" (Some Touch of Pity) by Rhoda Edwards review

2010-09-21 19:43:56
Paul Trevor Bale
For me the best novel about Richard ever.

On 21 Sep 2010, at 11:54, Richard wrote:

> I have the 1977 Arrow Paperbacks edition under the UK title "Some
> Touch of Pity" (why must publishers on different sides of the
> Atlantic call books by different titles ?) and although I haven't
> re-read it recently I remember it as being very good.
> Richard G
> --- In , "joansr3"
> <u2nohoo@...> wrote:
>> I just reviewed "The Broken Sword" by Rhoda Edwards on my blog
>> <http://rtoaaa.blogspot.com/2010/09/book-review-broken-sword.html> .
>> I think this book is a classic and belongs in the classical
>> pantheon of
>> novels about Richard III. In addition to other novels, Rhoda Edwards
>> wrote "The Itinerary of King Richard III 1483-1485" that was
>> published
>> by the Richard III Society.
>> Joan
>> ---
>> author of This Time, a novel about Richard III in the 21st-century
>> website: http://www.joanszechtman.com/
>> blog: http://rtoaaa.blogspot.com/
>> ebook: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/3935
>> 2010 Next Generation Indie Book Awards General Fiction Finalist
> ------------------------------------
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