TimeRef.com--Medieval History Time Lines

TimeRef.com--Medieval History Time Lines

2011-04-30 05:29:59
I haven't had a chance to explore TimeRef.com
<http://www.btinternet.com/%7Etimeref/index.htm> yet, but if the home
page is any indication, this site appears to have a lot of useful
information. I think I'm going to really enjoy exploring the 3D
reconstructions of buildings and places.

author of This Time, a novel about Richard III in the 21st-century
2010 Next Generation Indie Book Awards General Fiction Finalist
website: http://www.joanszechtman.com/
blog: http://rtoaaa.blogspot.com/
ebook: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/3935

Richard III
Richard III on Amazon
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