Shakespeare's Richard III

Shakespeare's Richard III

2011-10-19 08:07:45
Hello, everyone! I would like to read Shakespeare's RIII again. Can
someone recommend a well-annoted modern edition? Thanks! Nina

Re: Shakespeare's Richard III

2011-10-21 14:57:49
Hi Nina,

I'm not sure what your goal is for a "modern" annotated Shakespeare's
RIII, but I suspect the annotations would have more to do with the
language, Shakespeare, and possibly Elizabethan England than to discuss
the play's historical accuracy (or lack thereof). You might have to
resort to reading some articles on the r3 web pages, including
"Strutting and Fretting His Hour Upon the Stage"
<> by Judy R. Weinsoft and the articles
about the play here <> and many
more articles that can be found at the American Branch
<> website.

author of--
This Time--General Fiction Finalist of 2010 Next Generation Indie Book
Loyalty Binds Me--recommended by Midwest Book reviews
website <> -- blog
ebooks at Smashwords

--- In , "boyd.nina"
<ninaboyd@...> wrote:
> Hello, everyone! I would like to read Shakespeare's RIII again. Can
> someone recommend a well-annoted modern edition? Thanks! Nina

Re: Shakespeare's Richard III

2011-10-21 16:22:04
Thanks very much for those links, Joan, which I shall read with interest. No, my interest in Shakespeare's play is not a belief in Tudor propaganda! I remember the play from school, and want to read it again. I love Shakespeare. Currently reading Bill Bryson's very good book about him which, refreshingly, doesn't jump to a single conclusion!
Best wishes, Nina

Re: Shakespeare's Richard III

2011-10-21 16:51:21
Annette Carson
Hi Nina - A generally
----- Original Message -----
From: boyd.nina
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Shakespeare's Richard III

Thanks very much for those links, Joan, which I shall read with interest. No, my interest in Shakespeare's play is not a belief in Tudor propaganda! I remember the play from school, and want to read it again. I love Shakespeare. Currently reading Bill Bryson's very good book about him which, refreshingly, doesn't jump to a single conclusion!
Best wishes, Nina

Re: Shakespeare's Richard III

2011-10-21 16:55:28
Annette Carson
Hi Nina - A generally respected Shakespeare edition is the Arden Shakespeare, very thoroughly annotated with footnotes, and the 1987 paperback I bought also has Appendices with extracts from sources including Edward Hall, which you won't easily find outside specialist libraries.
Regards, Annette

----- Original Message -----
From: boyd.nina
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Shakespeare's Richard III

Thanks very much for those links, Joan, which I shall read with interest. No, my interest in Shakespeare's play is not a belief in Tudor propaganda! I remember the play from school, and want to read it again. I love Shakespeare. Currently reading Bill Bryson's very good book about him which, refreshingly, doesn't jump to a single conclusion!
Best wishes, Nina

Re: Shakespeare's Richard III

2011-11-03 05:28:50
Thanks, Annette! A good (allegedly) second-hand copy of the Arden is winging its way to me as I write. Best wishes, Nina

> Hi Nina - A generally respected Shakespeare edition is the Arden Shakespeare, very thoroughly annotated with footnotes, and the 1987 paperback I bought also has Appendices with extracts from sources including Edward Hall, which you won't easily find outside specialist libraries.
> Regards, Annette
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