Kindle etc v. the printed word

Kindle etc v. the printed word

2011-12-16 19:55:09
Paul Trevor Bale
Further to earlier discussion of the printed word and electronic readers somebody pointed out to me today the one thing that really annoys him about people who con't read books, you cannot see what they are reading, whereas if you have a book you can see the cover. I agreed as I have lost count of the conversations that have started because I was reading a book with a picture of Richard on the cover!
That to me is worth NOT getting a Kindle alone!

and I do sympathise with those who need bigger print, but might I suggest a magnifying glass? That way you can see the illustrations in your printed book as well as the printed words.

Re: Kindle etc v. the printed word

2011-12-16 21:10:29
Judy Thomson
I only will use my Kindle for those books NOT available in print, because some publishers have done just that: "published" new books w/o printing a thing. And I wouldn't have got the reader on my own...not for a long while...but it was given as a gift, pre-owned I suspect, as the giver has a much fancier model.

The only thing I can control is the cover, ironically. My Kindle always has Richard on front and back, regardless of what I read...I made it a cover. And a bag with the Arms of England and the White Boar to hold that. Haven't even used the K yet, since we don't have wi-fi, I'll get to that down the lane. Books are easier for me, and I'm not about to replace any of them. If the OED had been available? But it's not, so I'm stuck squinting as 2pt type through the magnifier. That and Brittannica, which I don't have, might be handy on an e-reader, but I don't think either will be available any time soon.

Loyaulte me lie

From: Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>
To: RichardIIISociety forum <>
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 1:54 PM
Subject: Kindle etc v. the printed word

Further to earlier discussion of the printed word and electronic readers somebody pointed out to me today the one thing that really annoys him about people who con't read books, you cannot see what they are reading, whereas if you have a book you can see the cover. I agreed as I have lost count of the conversations that have started because I was reading a book with a picture of Richard on the cover!
That to me is worth NOT getting a Kindle alone!

and I do sympathise with those who need bigger print, but might I suggest a magnifying glass? That way you can see the illustrations in your printed book as well as the printed words.

Richard III
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