Margaret Woodville

Margaret Woodville

2011-12-18 00:43:49
I wonder if anyone can help me identify a Margaret Woodville, wife of Charles Churchill.

Burke's Peerage says that:

After being engaged in the Yorkist cause by Thomas, Earl of Devon, this Charles was rewarded by Edward IV by a marriage with Margaret Woodville, daughter and heir of Sir William Woodville, close kin of the Queen.

This statement is nonesense for several reasons, but all Churchill lineages I can find include this Margaret Woodville, so who was she? She's often listed elsewhere as a sister of the Queen, but her sister by this name married the Earl of Arundel. I can find no reference to a Sir William Woodville anywhere.

Any help?

Re: Margaret Woodville

2011-12-18 07:03:03
fayre rose
anthony woodville, brother of elizabeth had an illegit daughter, margaret by gwenllian stradling, daughter of william stradling and annes ferch john gwyn.

the book you directed us to, is collins peerage. the complete peerage is probably your most reliable for researching. even it has errors.

i have no knowledge of a william woodvile. so, i would guess that collins peerage got it wrong, and the father of margaret woodville would be anthony. margaret was born circa 1455. her husband is recorded as robert poyntz. they were married circa 1475.

this does not preclude an second marriage for margaret.

this is the best i can do to assist you in your search at this time. should i find a william woodville, or any of the surname variants, i'll let you know.

--- On Sat, 12/17/11, theblackprussian <theblackprussian@...> wrote:

> From: theblackprussian <theblackprussian@...>
> Subject: Margaret Woodville
> To:
> Received: Saturday, December 17, 2011, 7:43 PM
> I wonder if anyone can help me identify a Margaret
> Woodville, wife of Charles Churchill.
> Burke's Peerage says that:
> After being engaged in the Yorkist cause by Thomas, Earl of
> Devon, this Charles was rewarded by Edward IV by a marriage
> with Margaret Woodville, daughter and heir of Sir William
> Woodville, close kin of the Queen.
> This statement is nonesense for several reasons, but all
> Churchill lineages I can find include this Margaret
> Woodville, so who was she? She's often listed elsewhere
> as a sister of the Queen, but her sister by this name
> married the Earl of Arundel. I can find no reference to a
> Sir William Woodville anywhere.
> Any help?

Re: Margaret Woodville

2011-12-18 18:18:17
--- In , "theblackprussian" <theblackprussian@...> wrote:
> I wonder if anyone can help me identify a Margaret Woodville, wife of Charles Churchill.
> Burke's Peerage says that:
> After being engaged in the Yorkist cause by Thomas, Earl of Devon, this Charles was rewarded by Edward IV by a marriage with Margaret Woodville, daughter and heir of Sir William Woodville, close kin of the Queen.
> This statement is nonesense for several reasons, but all Churchill lineages I can find include this Margaret Woodville, so who was she? She's often listed elsewhere as a sister of the Queen, but her sister by this name married the Earl of Arundel. I can find no reference to a Sir William Woodville anywhere.
> Any help?

There is a William Wydeville (which became Woodville in some lines) in here. Much earlier than our period, but it might indicate another branch of the family.


Re: Margaret Woodville

2011-12-18 19:01:07
david rayner
Thanks for the help. The illegitimate daughter of Anthony Woodville looks like the only viable ID; presumably she married Charles Churchill first, as he died in 1474 and her marriage to Pointz is dated 1478.
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