Guardian article on Richard III's remains

Guardian article on Richard III's remains

2012-09-09 01:11:50
First, my apologies. I haven't been to the site for ages and have no time to get caught up on all posts on this topic, so please forgive me if someone has already posted this link. I think it's wonderful that the Guardian is so impartial, and I'm hoping that this article will help to introduce a Richard unassociated with unhistorical crimes and deformities to the general public. The article appeared in the GeneaNet News Blog for September 4 and in the Guardian itself (appropriately enough) August 23. Here's the link:

Again, my apologies if this link is a duplicate. I just found it in my e-mail.


Re: Guardian article on Richard III's remains (update)

2012-09-09 01:33:19
Carol earlier:

> <snip> The article appeared in the GeneaNet News Blog for September 4 and in the Guardian itself (appropriately enough) August 23. Here's the link:

Carol again:
My apologies for replying to my own post, but here's an update: They've found the church!


Re: Guardian article on Richard III's remains

2012-09-09 10:43:25
Annette Carson
Thanks for the link, Carol - we were very pleased with the restrained handling of Richard's reputation by most of the media. As you can tell by the same phrases recurring in the majority of these reports, a well-crafted media statement is absolutely crucial. Having worked for many years in PR and advertising (we authors still need a day job!), I was enormously pleased to be involved in the area of communications by Philippa, as I've always felt that Richard's humanity is too often overlooked in the hurly-burly of controversy. You have to be objective when dealing with the media, of course, because journalists see through flim-flam and justification in an instant, but all you need to do is insert a couple of the right kinds of telling phrases in the right places. Also, when Philippa is to be quoted in media releases we work hard to give her really memorable sound-bites so that the first choice of journalists is to use her quotes .... and thus they report Richard through Philippa's eyes.

In case anyone hasn't yet looked on the Leicester University website, you can find all the elements of the media launch package there, including material on Richard's biography and reputation. The FAQs are mainly culled from the parent Society's website, but everything else is original to the project, and has been used extensively by the media. So far, so good!
Regards, Annette, who wonders what Carol has been doing lately? ;-)

----- Original Message -----
From: justcarol67
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 1:11 AM
Subject: Guardian article on Richard III's remains

First, my apologies. I haven't been to the site for ages and have no time to get caught up on all posts on this topic, so please forgive me if someone has already posted this link. I think it's wonderful that the Guardian is so impartial, and I'm hoping that this article will help to introduce a Richard unassociated with unhistorical crimes and deformities to the general public. The article appeared in the GeneaNet News Blog for September 4 and in the Guardian itself (appropriately enough) August 23. Here's the link:

Again, my apologies if this link is a duplicate. I just found it in my e-mail.


Re: Guardian article on Richard III's remains

2012-09-12 19:48:07
"Annette Carson" wrote:
> Thanks for the link, Carol <snip>
> Regards, Annette, who wonders what Carol has been doing lately? ;-)

Carol responds:

You're very welcome. Imagine my surprise to open an e-mail message from a non-Ricardian friend today who informed me that they've actually found what they think is Richard's body! I'll read more posts before responding in more detail to that news.

As for what I've been doing--mostly non-stop editing that kept me away from this forum for more than a year. I finally requested some time off so I could run errands and see a chiropractor for chronic neck pain. If Richard really did have scoliosis, I can empathize. The chiropractor says that I have five misaligned vertebrae (partially realigned by my first "adjustment") and need to go back for X-rays. This is where staring at a computer screen all day leads you!

Carol, carefully trying to maintain good posture as she types!

Re: Guardian article on Richard III's remains

2012-09-16 12:52:59
Annette Carson
Carol - Amazing how common it is for homo sapiens to have back trouble! Hope yours will get better soon, and nice to see you on the forum again.

----- Original Message -----
From: justcarol67
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: Guardian article on Richard III's remains

"Annette Carson" wrote:
> Thanks for the link, Carol <snip>
> Regards, Annette, who wonders what Carol has been doing lately? ;-)

Carol responds:

You're very welcome. Imagine my surprise to open an e-mail message from a non-Ricardian friend today who informed me that they've actually found what they think is Richard's body! I'll read more posts before responding in more detail to that news.

As for what I've been doing--mostly non-stop editing that kept me away from this forum for more than a year. I finally requested some time off so I could run errands and see a chiropractor for chronic neck pain. If Richard really did have scoliosis, I can empathize. The chiropractor says that I have five misaligned vertebrae (partially realigned by my first "adjustment") and need to go back for X-rays. This is where staring at a computer screen all day leads you!

Carol, carefully trying to maintain good posture as she types!

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