Ibsen DNA

Ibsen DNA

2012-09-16 18:17:29
For those who might be interested...

In January 2006, the Canadian branch of the Society had the opportunity to meet Jeff Ibsen and his wife Alex, who live in Toronto. Jeff is Michael Ibsen's younger brother, and possesses the same mitichondrial DNA. Members of the Canadian branch helped John Ashdown-Hill track down the contact information for Michael's and Jeff's mother, Joy, in London, Ontario. At the time, John Ashdown-Hill was involved in a project to identify bones found in Mechelen (Belgium) as those of Margaret of Burgundy.

What follows is an excerpt from the minutes of that eventful meeting:

"Jeff related how it came about that John Ashdown-Hill discovered Joy Ibsen is a descendant of Anne Duchess of Exeter, sister to Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy and Richard III. Joy had herself done considerable genealogical work on her family tree, going back four generations, but had not reached the detail that John could provide.

We learned that Joy was born in England and emmigrated to Canada as a child. She has two brothers, two sons and one daughter, but unfortunately no grandchildren. She married a Canadian of Scottish and Danish descent, hence the name Ibsen. Jeff had a comprehensive genealogical album that Joy had assembled based on her research.

Jeff also told us the disappointing news that, in spite of two samples provided, Joy's mtDNA does not match those of the bones found in Mechelen and thought to be those of Margaret. Apparently, John Ashdown-Hill is making overtures to a UK archeological TV program in the hope that some interest might be generated in excavating the Greyfriar's site for the bones of Richard III."

If I remember correctly, the Ibsen's line of descent also included William Pitt, pere and fils, one time Prime Ministers of England.

That was in 2006, so we're gratified that the project to locate Joy Ibsen and trace the mtDNA line from Anne of Exeter finally proved to be of value.


Re: Ibsen DNA

2012-09-16 18:44:19
Neil Trump
A thought on the DNA scenario.......

If Joy's DNA did not match Margaret and then we find it does not match Richard's either, then I was thinking that perhaps they should see if there is a match of DNA between the alleged Margaret in Mechelin and the bones of who we believe to be Richard.

Is it possible that there has been an error or something happened in the past that negates the DNA of Joy's that we believe is of value?



On 16 Sep 2012, at 18:17, "tracyb_ca" <tbryce@...> wrote:

> For those who might be interested...
> In January 2006, the Canadian branch of the Society had the opportunity to meet Jeff Ibsen and his wife Alex, who live in Toronto. Jeff is Michael Ibsen's younger brother, and possesses the same mitichondrial DNA. Members of the Canadian branch helped John Ashdown-Hill track down the contact information for Michael's and Jeff's mother, Joy, in London, Ontario. At the time, John Ashdown-Hill was involved in a project to identify bones found in Mechelen (Belgium) as those of Margaret of Burgundy.
> What follows is an excerpt from the minutes of that eventful meeting:
> "Jeff related how it came about that John Ashdown-Hill discovered Joy Ibsen is a descendant of Anne Duchess of Exeter, sister to Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy and Richard III. Joy had herself done considerable genealogical work on her family tree, going back four generations, but had not reached the detail that John could provide.
> We learned that Joy was born in England and emmigrated to Canada as a child. She has two brothers, two sons and one daughter, but unfortunately no grandchildren. She married a Canadian of Scottish and Danish descent, hence the name Ibsen. Jeff had a comprehensive genealogical album that Joy had assembled based on her research.
> Jeff also told us the disappointing news that, in spite of two samples provided, Joy's mtDNA does not match those of the bones found in Mechelen and thought to be those of Margaret. Apparently, John Ashdown-Hill is making overtures to a UK archeological TV program in the hope that some interest might be generated in excavating the Greyfriar's site for the bones of Richard III."
> If I remember correctly, the Ibsen's line of descent also included William Pitt, pere and fils, one time Prime Ministers of England.
> That was in 2006, so we're gratified that the project to locate Joy Ibsen and trace the mtDNA line from Anne of Exeter finally proved to be of value.
> Regards,
> Tracy

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