Finally, an article on the Leicester dig worth reading!

Finally, an article on the Leicester dig worth reading!

2012-09-26 00:05:49
I've been watching the Internet news for balanced articles that don't just rehash the press release. This one ("Discovery of Skeleton Puts Richard III in Battle Once Again" by John F. Burns), is the best I've seen. It originally appeared in the Leicester Journal (naturally) but was reprinted in the New York Times, which means that it will reach a wide readership.

Among other things, it reiterates Lin Foxhall's comments about scoliosis not indicating a hunchback, but it also mentions the Richard III Society in favorable terms, with a link.

Even more interesting (to me), it specifies other tests that the scientists plan to use to supplement the findings from the mitochondrial DNA, which will be particularly useful if those results are inconclusive:

"Other tests will involve carbon dating to fix the age of the bones and the arrowhead, and isotope analysis, which can determine where an individual lived in his early years. In Richard's case, that would be Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire, not far from Leicester."

Here's a link to the article:

If that long link doesn't work, copy and paste any part that doesn't link into your browser. If *that* doesn't work, let me know and I'll supply a Tinyurl.


Re: Finally, an article on the Leicester dig worth reading!

2012-09-27 00:11:27
    Many thanks for the article!  I'm so hopelessly behind reading these posts.  I am, of course, thrilled by the discoveries!  My apologies if this was discussed (in which case please direct me to the relevant posts) but has anyone said anything about how intact the face of the skull they found is?  Might there be a reconstruction coming so that we would have, finally, a real picture of Richard?


> From: justcarol67 <justcarol67@...>
>Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 7:05 PM
>Subject: Finally, an article on the Leicester dig worth reading!

>I've been watching the Internet news for balanced articles that don't just rehash the press release. This one ("Discovery of Skeleton Puts Richard III in Battle Once Again" by John F. Burns), is the best I've seen. It originally appeared in the Leicester Journal (naturally) but was reprinted in the New York Times, which means that it will reach a wide readership.
>Among other things, it reiterates Lin Foxhall's comments about scoliosis not indicating a hunchback, but it also mentions the Richard III Society in favorable terms, with a link.
>Even more interesting (to me), it specifies other tests that the scientists plan to use to supplement the findings from the mitochondrial DNA, which will be particularly useful if those results are inconclusive:
>"Other tests will involve carbon dating to fix the age of the bones and the arrowhead, and isotope analysis, which can determine where an individual lived in his early years. In Richard's case, that would be Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire, not far from Leicester."
>Here's a link to the article:
>If that long link doesn't work, copy and paste any part that doesn't link into your browser. If *that* doesn't work, let me know and I'll supply a Tinyurl.
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