A fun Ricardian read!

A fun Ricardian read!

2012-11-05 10:23:08
Johanne Tournier
Ricardian reading tends toward the dense and sad, especially toward the as
we wind the inevitable road to Bosworth, with details for unmerited crimes
along the way. <sigh>

That said, what fun to read Joan Szechtman's book *This Time,* about a group
of Ricardians who successfully bring Richard into the 21st. century just at
the moment where he was about to lose his life at Bosworth. From 22 August
1485 to 21 August 2004!

I've only read the first chapter, but so far it's not only a fun read, I
think it's extremely cool to be seeing things from Richard's point of view!

I'll let you know how I like the rest of the book.

Joan Sz. is also a member of this Forum and I assume is a member of the
Society, and she has copious praise for the assistance she received from
Ricardian scholars (especially Brian Wainwright) in this and the sequel,
*Loyalty Binds Me.* I wonder if she has plans to write any more Ricardian

Loyaulte me lie,




Johanne L. Tournier

Email - jltournier60@...

or jltournier@...

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