Plans for August 2013

Plans for August 2013

2012-11-17 17:10:32
Johanne Tournier
Dear All -

I rejoined the Society, after a lapse of some years, in September, 2012,
following the exciting announcement of the find at the site of the former
Greyfriars Priory. And of course, since then I have been anxiously awaiting
the positive identification of the remains and word of a suitable
commemorative and memorial service and interment of the remains which I
trust will be positively identified in due course as those of King Richard

This morning, reading through the latest issue of the *Bulletin* of the
Richard III Society which was published in September (but not in time to
include word of the discovery), I enjoyed reading Philippa Langley's recital
of the last-minute fund-raising campaign which allowed the search to
proceed. Toward the end of the piece Ms. Langley writes the following:

"Please note the proposed Memorial Service to King Richard in Leicester
Cathedral scheduled for 2 October 2012 will now take place in 2013. This
will allow time for any remains uncovered during the dig to be DNA
identified, and the standard and banner of King Richard to be designed and
made for the service (thanks to the work of Sally Henshaw and Richard Smith
and the East Midlands Branch), and to also ensure that as many Ricardians as
possible may be able to attend. It is hoped that a new date for the Memorial
Service may coincide with the commemoration of Bosworth in 2013."

The parent Society website indicates that the Bosworth Commemoration is held
on the Sunday closest to Aug. 22 every year, which in 2013 would be Sunday
August 25, 2013. The services are usually held in the church at Sutton

I would anticipate that there might be two sets of services this year - one
for the Battle itself, at Sutton Cheyney, and one in Leicester, ending with
King Richard's mortal remains being reinterred in Leicester Cathedral (as
things stand now that appears most likely - apologies to the proponents of
burials elsewhere).

But - what do you all think of this? And most importantly, what dates should
be reserved (asap, I would think) to guarantee hotel accommodations in
Leicester for any and all events which will be part of this once in a
lifetime experience?

Loyaulte me lie,




Johanne L. Tournier

Email - jltournier60@...

or jltournier@...

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- Jesus of Nazareth



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