Clarence's training

Clarence's training

2012-12-03 15:19:04
We know that Richard had his knightly training at Middleham. But is there any information about where Clarence had his training? Also when was Richard removed from Middleham? Was his training finished or was he removed because of E4's falling out with Warwick?

Re: Clarence's training

2012-12-03 15:22:30
Dear all
I seem to be getting hundreds of messages from the group every few days, but most of them are repeats is there any way of stopping this happening.
     Best wishes

(OT) Problems with messages WAS: Clarence's training

2012-12-03 15:50:40
PHILIP PHOTIOU <p.photiou.123@...> wrote:
> Dear all
> I seem to be getting hundreds of messages from the group every few days, but most of them are repeats is there any way of stopping this happening.
>      Best wishes
>          Philip

Carol responds:

You can set up your preferences to read the messages on the site. Apparently, the Web Only setting doesn't work, but the Special Notices setting does. There are glitches for those of us who post from the site, too, but I've found that hitting the Reply or Send buttons at the top of the page rather than the ones at the bottom sometimes works. So does hitting Preview before Send. Sometimes, though, there's nothing for it but to post a whole new message.

I sent a message to Yahoo about these problems, but they seem to have ignored it.


Re: Clarence's training

2012-12-03 16:46:07
Daily Digest is working, if that helps. You'll only get three or four emails a day at their heaviest.

--- In , PHILIP PHOTIOU <p.photiou.123@...> wrote:
> Dear all
> I seem to be getting hundreds of messages from the group every few days, but most of them are repeats is there any way of stopping this happening.
>      Best wishes
>          Philip

Admin - cutting out repetitive messages (was RE: Clarence's training

2012-12-03 18:09:49
Johanne Tournier
Hi, Weds & Philip -

The big reason that so many messages are repeating ad nauseam is that we
(well, most of us, including me) are not snipping our messages like we're
supposed to. I notice that Carol T is doing a good job of snipping messages
she is quoting - she cuts everything but the bit she is referring to and
indicates what she has removed by writing <snip> before and after what she
is quoting.

Sometimes I am pretty good - I snip everything but the preceding message or
two, leaving a not too long piece left. But sometimes I (and other people as
well) don't snip anything - then some of these threads end up with many
previous messages. When one gets the Daily Digest, which assembles all the
message traffic into a few daily messages, the repetition becomes very

So, I promise, and I hope other people will also, cut off all but one
previous message, or just enough of that message to show what you are
responding to.

Another reminder, while I'm at it - this message, for example, and Philip's
previous one, has nothing to do with "Clarence's training." So, it's a good
idea, when you're changing the subject of a thread, to write the new subject
and then put parenthesis around the previous subject with a "was," like I
did above.

Sorry to sound like a pain in the a** but if we all followed these
practices, it would help solve Philip's (and Eileen's) dilemma.

Loyaulte me lie,




Johanne L. Tournier

Email - jltournier60@...

or jltournier@...

"With God, all things are possible."

- Jesus of Nazareth



[mailto:] On Behalf Of wednesday_mc
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: Clarence's training

Daily Digest is working, if that helps. You'll only get three or four emails
a day at their heaviest.

--- In
<p.photiou.123@...> wrote:
> Dear all
> I seem to be getting hundreds of messages from the group every few days,
but most of them are repeats is there any way of stopping this happening.
> Best wishes
> Philip

Re: Admin - cutting out repetitive messages (was RE: Clarence's trai

2012-12-03 18:55:45
Ah, I see. Other lists I've been on demanded their members to "snip yer tails." When I saw that the majority here don't, I just figured it had something to do with a scholar's habit of citing their sources ad infinitum.

~Weds (who will get snippy with tails from here on out)

--- In , Johanne Tournier <jltournier60@...> wrote:

> The big reason that so many messages are repeating ad nauseam is that we (well, most of us, including me) are not snipping our messages like we're supposed to.

Re: Admin - cutting out repetitive messages (was RE: Clarence's trai

2012-12-03 19:31:07
Johanne Tournier
Ah, Weds, you can't fool me. I notice that you've been especially
conscientious about trimming excess. I guess you're inclinations just aren't
scholarly enough. <tongue firmly in cheek>

I'm afraid in my case, I must confess it's just a case of
sloppiness/laziness. Hoo hah! I'll be more careful from now on, I promise!

Loyaulte me lie,




Johanne L. Tournier

Email - jltournier60@...

or jltournier@...

[mailto:] On Behalf Of wednesday_mc
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: Admin - cutting out repetitive
messages (was RE: Clarence's training)

Ah, I see. Other lists I've been on demanded their members to "snip yer
tails." When I saw that the majority here don't, I just figured it had
something to do with a scholar's habit of citing their sources ad infinitum.

~Weds (who will get snippy with tails from here on out)

Re: Admin - cutting out repetitive messages (was RE: Clarence's trai

2012-12-03 20:48:10
--- In , Johanne Tournier <jltournier60@...> wrote:
> Ah, Weds, you can't fool me. I notice that you've been especially conscientious about trimming excess. I guess you're inclinations just aren't scholarly enough. <tongue firmly in cheek>

I swear by Richard's Sainted Bore that I'm only here for Pop-Culture!Richard.


Re: Clarence's training

2012-12-04 11:20:14
Clarence was of course already 11 when Edward became king. He and richard and their sister Margaret were settled at Greenwich palace. Clarence was Edward's heir so his training was not entrusted to anyone else.

--- In , "bandyoi" <bandyoi@...> wrote:
> We know that Richard had his knightly training at Middleham. But is there any information about where Clarence had his training? Also when was Richard removed from Middleham? Was his training finished or was he removed because of E4's falling out with Warwick?
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