

2012-12-20 23:20:50
Johanne Tournier
Hi, All -

Got home (finally!) this afternoon. Fortunately the severe storm they
predicted wasn't as serious as had been thought. But I am seriously
exhausted, since I only had, maybe three-something hours of sleep last
night. It sure is nice to be back home with my little "girls" (Tibetan
Spaniels Holli and Alexis)!

Anyway, another nice thing about arriving back home was that two RIII books
were waiting in my mailbox - *The Hours of Richard III* and *Richard III's
Books,* both by Anne Sutton and Livia Visser-Fuchs. They both look
wonderful, featuring lots of facts about the books in Richard's library and
many photo illustrations.

I will write more when I have had a chance to look through them more
carefully. Meanwhile - time to go try to catch up on some serious zzzzz's.

Loyaulte me lie,




Johanne L. Tournier

Email - jltournier60@...

or jltournier@...

"With God, all things are possible."

- Jesus of Nazareth



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