Olivier and the RSC

Olivier and the RSC

2012-12-22 19:39:08
Some years ago, my writing partner and I did some writing for an actor who had been a member of the RSC when Olivier ran it. At lunch, he began regaling us with stories about "Larry and Vivien," including Vivien's penchant for wanting to bed every junior member of the company. He still seemed bewildered that he'd been pursued. Alas, I didn't have the nerve to ask him what Olivier's reaction to his wives appetites had been.


Re: Olivier and the RSC

2012-12-22 19:41:50
Ngh...that should be "wife's appetites." I can tu use good gramer.


--- In , "wednesday_mc" <wednesday.mac@...> wrote:
> Some years ago, my writing partner and I did some writing for an actor who had been a member of the RSC when Olivier ran it. At lunch, he began regaling us with stories about "Larry and Vivien," including Vivien's penchant for wanting to bed every junior member of the company. He still seemed bewildered that he'd been pursued. Alas, I didn't have the nerve to ask him what Olivier's reaction to his wives appetites had been.
> ~Weds

Re: Olivier and the RSC

2012-12-22 21:42:28
Don't worry about it. Yesterday I wrote "to" when I meant "too." Felt like an idiot! Maire.

--- In , "wednesday_mc" <wednesday.mac@...> wrote:
> Ngh...that should be "wife's appetites." I can tu use good gramer.
> ~Weds
> --- In , "wednesday_mc" <wednesday.mac@> wrote:
> >
> > Some years ago, my writing partner and I did some writing for an actor who had been a member of the RSC when Olivier ran it. At lunch, he began regaling us with stories about "Larry and Vivien," including Vivien's penchant for wanting to bed every junior member of the company. He still seemed bewildered that he'd been pursued. Alas, I didn't have the nerve to ask him what Olivier's reaction to his wives appetites had been.
> >
> > ~Weds
> >

Re: Olivier and the RSC

2012-12-22 21:56:21
Johanne Tournier
What's worse is when you don't realize until the message comes back in your
inbox! Or, worse yet, when you forget how to spell a word that you know
perfectly well. "Can you say "Alzheimer's," kids? I knew you could!"

You gotta laugh . . .




Johanne L. Tournier

Email - jltournier60@...

or jltournier@...

"With God, all things are possible."

- Jesus of Nazareth



[mailto:] On Behalf Of mairemulholland
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: Olivier and the RSC

Don't worry about it. Yesterday I wrote "to" when I meant "too." Felt like
an idiot! Maire.

--- In
<mailto:%40yahoogroups.com> , "wednesday_mc"
<wednesday.mac@...> wrote:
> Ngh...that should be "wife's appetites." I can tu use good gramer.
> ~Weds
> --- In
<mailto:%40yahoogroups.com> , "wednesday_mc"
<wednesday.mac@> wrote:
> >
> > Some years ago, my writing partner and I did some writing for an actor
who had been a member of the RSC when Olivier ran it. At lunch, he began
regaling us with stories about "Larry and Vivien," including Vivien's
penchant for wanting to bed every junior member of the company. He still
seemed bewildered that he'd been pursued. Alas, I didn't have the nerve to
ask him what Olivier's reaction to his wives appetites had been.
> >
> > ~Weds
> >

Re: Olivier and the RSC

2012-12-22 22:18:15
Maria Torres
It's a sign of genius.

(one of the great geniuses of this sort)

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 4:56 PM, Johanne Tournier

> **
> What's worse is when you don't realize until the message comes back in your
> inbox! Or, worse yet, when you forget how to spell a word that you know
> perfectly well. "Can you say "Alzheimer's," kids? I knew you could!"
> You gotta laugh . . .
> Johanne
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Johanne L. Tournier
> Email - jltournier60@...
> or jltournier@...
> "With God, all things are possible."
> - Jesus of Nazareth
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> From:
> [mailto:] On Behalf Of
> mairemulholland
> Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 5:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Olivier and the RSC
> Don't worry about it. Yesterday I wrote "to" when I meant "too." Felt like
> an idiot! Maire.
> --- In
> <mailto:%40yahoogroups.com> , "wednesday_mc"
> <wednesday.mac@...> wrote:
> >
> > Ngh...that should be "wife's appetites." I can tu use good gramer.
> >
> > ~Weds
> >
> > --- In
> <mailto:%40yahoogroups.com> , "wednesday_mc"
> <wednesday.mac@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Some years ago, my writing partner and I did some writing for an actor
> who had been a member of the RSC when Olivier ran it. At lunch, he began
> regaling us with stories about "Larry and Vivien," including Vivien's
> penchant for wanting to bed every junior member of the company. He still
> seemed bewildered that he'd been pursued. Alas, I didn't have the nerve to
> ask him what Olivier's reaction to his wives appetites had been.
> > >
> > > ~Weds
> > >
> >

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