

2013-01-05 12:01:24
Stephen Lark
The poet Robert Herrick (1591-1674) was the son of a Leicester ironmonger - related to the Mayor?

The Cathedral already has an effigy of Henry of Huntingdon, Richard's great-great-nephew.

----- Original Message -----
From: Pamela Furmidge
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2013 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Selling Richard

Perhaps some of us should join - it's quite a good site, generally, with a wide range of historical discussion. There are a number of threads about Richard, with some interesting points made, both for and against.

From: wednesday_mc wednesday.mac@...>

It's here, Ishita:

Be careful tilting at their clawed windmills, m'kay?


--- In , Richard Yahoo wrote:
> What is the. Forum? I am going to cut and paste the press release from Riii society! I am despairing that Richard's reputation can never be put straight!
> Ishita Bandyo
> On Jan 4, 2013, at 7:01 PM, "wednesday_mc" wrote:
> > I just ran into a discussion board where snotty flawed logic was being used to "prove" that if the skeleton has scoliosis, it means that all the chroniclers who got it "right" that Richard was a hunchback/crookback are therefore also right about his murdering the princes and all the other crimes laid at his feet.
> >
> > I can't help but recall a line from an ancient Goon Show: "I'm not saying you're insane, only that you leave your premises immediately."
> >
> > If all someone can see is what they've seen before, they're going to miss out on a lot of possibilities in life. So sad, too bad, their loss.
> >
> > ~Weds
> >
> > > Mary wrote:
> > >
> > > I hope that they are not going to try to use the scoliosis to try to say that the Tydder was right about him being a hunchback.
> >
> >

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