Documentary as a Yahoo Groups file?

Documentary as a Yahoo Groups file?

2013-01-30 23:29:30
A member of the American R III forum wants to know if someone can post the documentary to the Files of this group or the American one (a closed group--only members can join). Here's his post:

"The file can be posted to YouTube [we know better. C.] but it can also be posted to our Yahoo Group, as long as someone in the U.K. has the software to convert it to some format that we can see. I'm not a video specialist but I do know that it can be done. Is there someone in the U.K. we can contact who has some knowledge about converting files?"

I promised to come back to his group with an answer after I'd heard from you guys. By the way, any American member can join that group as well as this one. The home page URL is

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