Our discussions are not private (Was: Dening, the Skeleton and Boswo

Our discussions are not private (Was: Dening, the Skeleton and Boswo

2013-02-01 16:39:44
Johanne Tournier wrote:
> Hi, Carol -

> Point taken; nevertheless, this is not a public forum. While some messages might crop up on a Google search, I am sure that one would not get a whole thread. [snip]

Carol responds:

Hi, Johanne. to test your theory, and hoping that you were right, I signed out of Yahoo and typed "Dening skeleton Bosworth" into the Google search. It took me right to your message, with the thread beneath it. I could click on any message in the thread and it opened. I could not, however, access the Messages, Post, Files, Photos, etc. links in the left-hand column of the page. (If you post from your e-mail and are not sure what I'm talking about, just go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group//?yguid=69059971 The links on the left will be blue if you're signed in, black if you're not. But the messages themselves will have blue links, meaning that anyone, member or not, signed in or not, can read them.

Unfortunately, our discussions here are not as private as we like to think. Tudor spies could be watching us as we type. (That was intended as a joke--probably a bad one, sorry--but the rest of the message is serious.)

Feel free to replicate the experiment yourself using the search terms of your choice, say "Edward IV poisoned" or "Eleanor Butler precontract" (minus quotation marks). I suspect that your results will be similar to mine. We really are a public forum. Only members can post, but anyone can read what we say.


Re: Our discussions are not private (Was: Dening, the Skeleton and B

2013-02-01 17:36:00
Johanne Tournier
Hi, Carol -

Well, it's still not a public forum, at least not in the sense that a
chatroom is public.

I don't doubt what you've written, but as I said, I don't really care if my
messages are available to the public. So, rather than duplicate what you've
done, I went to the "lugosiphilia" list, which I own. It is a "moderated"
list, and the archives are available to "members only." As listowner, I have
access to a "management" page where I can change the options if I wish,
allow anyone to post, and allow anyone access to the archives, if I wish.
I picked a recent thread "Dracula & Gangster Squad," and googled it
-nothing, zip, nada, no messages popped up from lugosiphilia.

Which suggests that at least part of the problem may be that the public is
allowed access to the Forum Archives. Just a thought - as I said, if anyone
wants to quote me as being a "lady of a certain age" I don't mind, as long
as they spell my name right.(smile)

Loyaulte me lie,




Johanne L. Tournier

Email - jltournier60@...

or jltournier@...

"With God, all things are possible."

- Jesus of Nazareth



[mailto:] On Behalf Of justcarol67
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 12:40 PM
Subject: Our discussions are not private (Was:
Dening, the Skeleton and Bosworth)

Johanne Tournier wrote:
> Hi, Carol -

> Point taken; nevertheless, this is not a public forum. While some messages
might crop up on a Google search, I am sure that one would not get a whole
thread. [snip]

Carol responds:

Hi, Johanne. to test your theory, and hoping that you were right, I signed
out of Yahoo and typed "Dening skeleton Bosworth" into the Google search. It
took me right to your message, with the thread beneath it. I could click on
any message in the thread and it opened. I could not, however, access the
Messages, Post, Files, Photos, etc. links in the left-hand column of the
page. (If you post from your e-mail and are not sure what I'm talking about,
just go to
http://groups.yahoo.com/group//?yguid=69059971 The
links on the left will be blue if you're signed in, black if you're not. But
the messages themselves will have blue links, meaning that anyone, member or
not, signed in or not, can read them.

Unfortunately, our discussions here are not as private as we like to think.
Tudor spies could be watching us as we type. (That was intended as a
joke--probably a bad one, sorry--but the rest of the message is serious.)

Feel free to replicate the experiment yourself using the search terms of
your choice, say "Edward IV poisoned" or "Eleanor Butler precontract" (minus
quotation marks). I suspect that your results will be similar to mine. We
really are a public forum. Only members can post, but anyone can read what
we say.


Re: Our discussions are not private (Was: Dening, the Skeleton and B

2013-02-01 18:12:12
Johanne Tournier wrote:

> Well, it's still not a public forum, at least not in the sense that a chatroom is public.
> I don't doubt what you've written, but as I said, I don't really care if my messages are available to the public. [snip] at least part of the problem may be that the public is allowed access to the Forum Archives. Just a thought - as I said, if anyone wants to quote me as being a "lady of a certain age" I don't mind, as long as they spell my name right.(smile)

Carol responds:

Yes and no. Anyone can read our posts if they choose to do so, but, yes, they can't respond to them. I'm not sure that the open archives are a "problem," per se though we as individual posters might want to be aware that the thoughts we express here are not as private as we might wish. OTOH, I suspect that Neil wants the archives (and membership) to remain open so that as many people as possible can join the group and the discussion. (Neil, please correct me if I'm wrong.)

As for "ladies of a certain age," I'm not even sure what the term means: different thing to different people, I suspect. A number of us, including me, would undoubtedly qualify by most people's definition, but certainly, George, Doug, Paul, David et al. would not. But "ladies of a certain age" have lived long enough to gain wisdom and experience, and our judgment should be respected by those who have not yet lived long enough to know as much as we do. The whole idea that we must be silly, senile, and emotional (as depicted in a novel of a certain title--actually, more than one novel) is as bad as the stereotype of Richard that we're trying to undo.

Please understand, anyone who's reading this post, I'm not saying that we shouldn't discuss Dening or any other topic that interests us. (Hilary has made clear that Dening was a respectable Ricardian, and it seems clear that several members are interested in his book. Those who aren't interested can skip the topic.) I just want people to realize that not everyone reads the messages in the privacy of a personal e-mail account. They're available to anyone who knows how to Google to read, and Googlers could arrive here by surprising paths. And, like it or not, we stand as public representatives of the Richard III Society to anyone who stumbles upon, or actively searches out, our posts.


Re: Our discussions are not private (Was: Dening, the Skeleton and B

2013-02-01 18:52:27
George Butterfield
I believe that David said that if someone wants to get the information they will!
The only way I know is a moderated password controlled site that is FTP protected and fire walled I have a synced key that changes the pass code every 2 min!
However once in the site there are ways to acquire any data that is visible, I really do not think that we need to worry about the information held in our archives as any state secrets are 500 years old and probably not much use to Sir Francis Walsingham

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 1, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Johanne Tournier <jltournier60@...> wrote:

> Hi, Carol -
> Well, it's still not a public forum, at least not in the sense that a
> chatroom is public.
> I don't doubt what you've written, but as I said, I don't really care if my
> messages are available to the public. So, rather than duplicate what you've
> done, I went to the "lugosiphilia" list, which I own. It is a "moderated"
> list, and the archives are available to "members only." As listowner, I have
> access to a "management" page where I can change the options if I wish,
> allow anyone to post, and allow anyone access to the archives, if I wish.
> I picked a recent thread "Dracula & Gangster Squad," and googled it
> -nothing, zip, nada, no messages popped up from lugosiphilia.
> Which suggests that at least part of the problem may be that the public is
> allowed access to the Forum Archives. Just a thought - as I said, if anyone
> wants to quote me as being a "lady of a certain age" I don't mind, as long
> as they spell my name right.(smile)
> Loyaulte me lie,
> Johanne
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Johanne L. Tournier
> Email - jltournier60@...
> or jltournier@...
> "With God, all things are possible."
> - Jesus of Nazareth
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> From:
> [mailto:] On Behalf Of justcarol67
> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 12:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: Our discussions are not private (Was:
> Dening, the Skeleton and Bosworth)
> Johanne Tournier wrote:
> >
> > Hi, Carol -
> > Point taken; nevertheless, this is not a public forum. While some messages
> might crop up on a Google search, I am sure that one would not get a whole
> thread. [snip]
> Carol responds:
> Hi, Johanne. to test your theory, and hoping that you were right, I signed
> out of Yahoo and typed "Dening skeleton Bosworth" into the Google search. It
> took me right to your message, with the thread beneath it. I could click on
> any message in the thread and it opened. I could not, however, access the
> Messages, Post, Files, Photos, etc. links in the left-hand column of the
> page. (If you post from your e-mail and are not sure what I'm talking about,
> just go to
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group//?yguid=69059971 The
> links on the left will be blue if you're signed in, black if you're not. But
> the messages themselves will have blue links, meaning that anyone, member or
> not, signed in or not, can read them.
> Unfortunately, our discussions here are not as private as we like to think.
> Tudor spies could be watching us as we type. (That was intended as a
> joke--probably a bad one, sorry--but the rest of the message is serious.)
> Feel free to replicate the experiment yourself using the search terms of
> your choice, say "Edward IV poisoned" or "Eleanor Butler precontract" (minus
> quotation marks). I suspect that your results will be similar to mine. We
> really are a public forum. Only members can post, but anyone can read what
> we say.
> Carol

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