{{{{{{Group hug}}}}}}

{{{{{{Group hug}}}}}}

2013-02-04 11:21:32
Johanne Tournier
Dear All -

Although I was in awe and feeling chills when I saw the skull, what did it
for me was seeing the body, lying in its rude grave. I've had tears in my
eyes since then. I am surprised at the degree to which the discovery and the
announcement has affected me. I am honoured and thrilled to be here, to be a
Ricardian, and to see this day!

I think the decision on re-interment is the best one in the circumstances;
otherwise it would become a matter of dispute, which would not be seemly,
over the remains of Our King.

I didn't catch the whole newsconference, as the feed kept breaking up. The
clearest part was the mayor and other functionaries, when what I was really
interested in was the scientific test results.

Amazing! They found a second maternal line to allow a triangulation of the
mitochondrial DNA. And that it is a perfect match - I did not allow myself
to hope that that would be the case. Amazing!! I am so glad that we know for

Glad to be able to share with you all.

Hugs to everyone,

Loyaulte me lie,




Johanne L. Tournier

Email - jltournier60@...

or jltournier@...

"With God, all things are possible."

- Jesus of Nazareth



Re: {{{{{{Group hug}}}}}}

2013-02-04 11:33:41
Karen Clark
This is excellent news. I did think there might be some hedging, but 'beyond
reasonable doubt' is pretty clear. Like Johanne and Paul, I think Leicester
Cathedral is the right place for a reburial. I missed the Mayor and the
vicar, but I'll catch up with them when Leicester University gets the press
conference onto their site.


From: Johanne Tournier <jltournier60@...>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 07:21:22 -0400
To: <>
Subject: {{{{{{Group hug}}}}}}

Dear All -

Although I was in awe and feeling chills when I saw the skull, what did it
for me was seeing the body, lying in its rude grave. I've had tears in my
eyes since then. I am surprised at the degree to which the discovery and the
announcement has affected me. I am honoured and thrilled to be here, to be a
Ricardian, and to see this day!

I think the decision on re-interment is the best one in the circumstances;
otherwise it would become a matter of dispute, which would not be seemly,
over the remains of Our King.

I didn't catch the whole newsconference, as the feed kept breaking up. The
clearest part was the mayor and other functionaries, when what I was really
interested in was the scientific test results.

Amazing! They found a second maternal line to allow a triangulation of the
mitochondrial DNA. And that it is a perfect match - I did not allow myself
to hope that that would be the case. Amazing!! I am so glad that we know for

Glad to be able to share with you all.

Hugs to everyone,

Loyaulte me lie,




Johanne L. Tournier

Email - jltournier60@... <mailto:jltournier60%40hotmail.com>

or jltournier@... <mailto:jltournier%40xcountry.tv>

"With God, all things are possible."

- Jesus of Nazareth



Re: {{{{{{Group hug}}}}}}

2013-02-04 11:35:13
Paul Trevor Bale
Watching on BBC News but they kept leaving for "important news" like a onetime cabinet minister being jailed, and the chancellor telling again how he was wrong, oh no he never admits that. Recorded all I could, the wounds and the dna in particular.
Still no response as to this conference in London tomorrow I've heard nothing about.

Richard Liveth Yet!

On 4 Feb 2013, at 11:21, Johanne Tournier wrote:

> Dear All -
> Although I was in awe and feeling chills when I saw the skull, what did it
> for me was seeing the body, lying in its rude grave. I've had tears in my
> eyes since then. I am surprised at the degree to which the discovery and the
> announcement has affected me. I am honoured and thrilled to be here, to be a
> Ricardian, and to see this day!
> I think the decision on re-interment is the best one in the circumstances;
> otherwise it would become a matter of dispute, which would not be seemly,
> over the remains of Our King.
> I didn't catch the whole newsconference, as the feed kept breaking up. The
> clearest part was the mayor and other functionaries, when what I was really
> interested in was the scientific test results.
> Amazing! They found a second maternal line to allow a triangulation of the
> mitochondrial DNA. And that it is a perfect match - I did not allow myself
> to hope that that would be the case. Amazing!! I am so glad that we know for
> sure!
> Glad to be able to share with you all.
> Hugs to everyone,
> Loyaulte me lie,
> Johanne
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Johanne L. Tournier
> Email - jltournier60@...
> or jltournier@...
> "With God, all things are possible."
> - Jesus of Nazareth
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: {{{{{{Group hug}}}}}}

2013-02-04 12:16:04
Ishita Bandyo
The LINK PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 4, 2013, at 6:21 AM, Johanne Tournier <jltournier60@...> wrote:

> Dear All -
> Although I was in awe and feeling chills when I saw the skull, what did it
> for me was seeing the body, lying in its rude grave. I've had tears in my
> eyes since then. I am surprised at the degree to which the discovery and the
> announcement has affected me. I am honoured and thrilled to be here, to be a
> Ricardian, and to see this day!
> I think the decision on re-interment is the best one in the circumstances;
> otherwise it would become a matter of dispute, which would not be seemly,
> over the remains of Our King.
> I didn't catch the whole newsconference, as the feed kept breaking up. The
> clearest part was the mayor and other functionaries, when what I was really
> interested in was the scientific test results.
> Amazing! They found a second maternal line to allow a triangulation of the
> mitochondrial DNA. And that it is a perfect match - I did not allow myself
> to hope that that would be the case. Amazing!! I am so glad that we know for
> sure!
> Glad to be able to share with you all.
> Hugs to everyone,
> Loyaulte me lie,
> Johanne
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Johanne L. Tournier
> Email - jltournier60@...
> or jltournier@...
> "With God, all things are possible."
> - Jesus of Nazareth
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Re: {{{{{{Group hug}}}}}}

2013-02-04 14:13:36
Hi all,

Wonderful! There was such an air of certainty all around with all the evidence that had been found, but still I was pretty nervous (and for some odd reason hoping and praying) wondering if it could be true. Gosh, amazing! I am so glad about the news, I read the BBC article and saw a news piece on youtube as well.

Looking at the skull I had also the feeling like seeing someone familiar, what a wonderful journey. I am so happy I´ve posted everyone I know to have a look upon the news.

Long live king Richard!
Marion Z

--- In , Johanne Tournier wrote:
> Dear All -
> Although I was in awe and feeling chills when I saw the skull, what did it
> for me was seeing the body, lying in its rude grave. I've had tears in my
> eyes since then. I am surprised at the degree to which the discovery and the
> announcement has affected me. I am honoured and thrilled to be here, to be a
> Ricardian, and to see this day!
> I think the decision on re-interment is the best one in the circumstances;
> otherwise it would become a matter of dispute, which would not be seemly,
> over the remains of Our King.
> I didn't catch the whole newsconference, as the feed kept breaking up. The
> clearest part was the mayor and other functionaries, when what I was really
> interested in was the scientific test results.
> Amazing! They found a second maternal line to allow a triangulation of the
> mitochondrial DNA. And that it is a perfect match - I did not allow myself
> to hope that that would be the case. Amazing!! I am so glad that we know for
> sure!
> Glad to be able to share with you all.
> Hugs to everyone,
> Loyaulte me lie,
> Johanne
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Johanne L. Tournier
> Email - jltournier60@...
> or jltournier@...
> "With God, all things are possible."
> - Jesus of Nazareth
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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