CBS blows it big time

CBS blows it big time

2013-02-04 15:53:41
"CBS This Morning" had the same reporter giving the same Tudor baloney about Richard "killing several relatives in the Tower of London" and added that the curved spine confirmed the legend of Richard's hunchback. He added with a pun on "hunch." I'm still steaming. Seems they ignored my e-mail after the original report.


Re: CBS blows it big time

2013-02-04 16:03:14
Carol earlier:
> "CBS This Morning" had the same reporter giving the same Tudor baloney about Richard "killing several relatives in the Tower of London" and added that the curved spine confirmed the legend of Richard's hunchback. He added with a pun on "hunch." I'm still steaming. Seems they ignored my e-mail after the original report.

Carol again:

I forgot to mention that, to add insult to injury, they showed the wrong skull, one with a missing front tooth!

Please, someone with some British historical credentials, say something to these morons, in particular the reporter, Mark Phillips.


Re: CBS blows it big time

2013-02-04 16:11:16
Carol earlier:
> I forgot to mention that, to add insult to injury, they showed the wrong skull, one with a missing front tooth!
> Please, someone with some British historical credentials, say something to these morons, in particular the reporter, Mark Phillips.
Carol again:

Oops. I hadn't realized that the skull did have a front tooth missing. I guess it was the angle. I hope that was the tooth that they pulled for DNA analysis and not a tooth that was missing in life. And yet, what were they thinking to pull a *front* tooth? I guess we'll have to wait to see the facial reconstruction.

I'm still mad at CBS, but I was wrong on this one count.

Carol, wishing she could be celebrating instead of fearing for Richard's reputation in America, land of ignorant reporters who don't do their research and care more about the bleeping Super Bowl than the archaeological discovery of the century

Re: CBS blows it big time

2013-02-04 16:21:08
Ishita Bandyo
Carol, I am right there with you!!!

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 4, 2013, at 11:11 AM, "justcarol67" <justcarol67@...> wrote:

> Carol earlier:
> >
> > I forgot to mention that, to add insult to injury, they showed the wrong skull, one with a missing front tooth!
> >
> > Please, someone with some British historical credentials, say something to these morons, in particular the reporter, Mark Phillips.
> >
> Carol again:
> Oops. I hadn't realized that the skull did have a front tooth missing. I guess it was the angle. I hope that was the tooth that they pulled for DNA analysis and not a tooth that was missing in life. And yet, what were they thinking to pull a *front* tooth? I guess we'll have to wait to see the facial reconstruction.
> I'm still mad at CBS, but I was wrong on this one count.
> Carol, wishing she could be celebrating instead of fearing for Richard's reputation in America, land of ignorant reporters who don't do their research and care more about the bleeping Super Bowl than the archaeological discovery of the century

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