NY Times article by John Burns, about Richard III

NY Times article by John Burns, about Richard III

2013-02-05 12:28:41

Scholars Say Bones Belonged to Richard III
In one of Britain?s most dramatic modern archaeological finds, tests identified the remains of the reviled English monarch, a discovery that could lead to a reassessment of his reign.

John Burns' take on the RIII story, in his slightly disdainful style. Nevertheless, it's an excellent article. Right now it is listed as the #1 most emailed story on the NY Times website.

Here's a tinyurl –

Loyaulte me lie,
Johanne L. Tournier

Email - jltournier60@...
or jltournier@...

"With God, all things are possible."
- Jesus of Nazareth

Re: NY Times article by John Burns, about Richard III

2013-02-05 14:18:14
liz williams
Very good article and much better than most of those in the British press too.

From: jltournier1 <jltournier60@...>
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 12:28
Subject: NY Times article by John Burns, about Richard III


Scholars Say Bones Belonged to Richard III
In one of Britain?s most dramatic modern archaeological finds, tests identified the remains of the reviled English monarch, a discovery that could lead to a reassessment of his reign.

John Burns' take on the RIII story, in his slightly disdainful style. Nevertheless, it's an excellent article. Right now it is listed as the #1 most emailed story on the NY Times website.

Here's a tinyurl 

Loyaulte me lie,
Johanne L. Tournier

Email - mailto:jltournier60%40hotmail.com
or mailto:jltournier%40xcountry.tv

"With God, all things are possible."
- Jesus of Nazareth

Re: NY Times article by John Burns, about Richard III

2013-02-05 14:26:40
Hilary Jones
V good Liz.   Didn't know US had donated so much. The programme last night seemed to intimate that it had only cost £10k, which was pretty hard to believe.

From: liz williams <ferrymansdaughter@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 14:16
Subject: Re: NY Times article by John Burns, about Richard III


Very good article and much better than most of those in the British press too.

From: jltournier1 mailto:jltournier60%40hotmail.com>
To: mailto:%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 12:28
Subject: NY Times article by John Burns, about Richard III


Scholars Say Bones Belonged to Richard III
In one of Britain?s most dramatic modern archaeological finds, tests identified the remains of the reviled English monarch, a discovery that could lead to a reassessment of his reign.

John Burns' take on the RIII story, in his slightly disdainful style. Nevertheless, it's an excellent article. Right now it is listed as the #1 most emailed story on the NY Times website.

Here's a tinyurl 

Loyaulte me lie,
Johanne L. Tournier

Email - mailto:jltournier60%40hotmail.com
or mailto:jltournier%40xcountry.tv

"With God, all things are possible."
- Jesus of Nazareth

Re: NY Times article by John Burns, about Richard III

2013-02-05 16:02:57
The online reviews of the facial re-construction from the BBC (in particular) and some of the papers (Daily Mail included) are both good and much more open-handed in their commentary. Perhaps someone has had a word somewhere, or that it's what good looks can stir in today's media (historical celebrity)?

As I said last night, perhaps he's come to our rescue himself and could help a whole new generation take some interest? That's exactly what we want so I live in renewed hope.

--- In , liz williams wrote:
> Very good article and much better than most of those in the British press too.
> ________________________________
> From: jltournier1
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 12:28
> Subject: NY Times article by John Burns, about Richard III
> http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/05/world/europe/richard-the-third-bones.html?pagewanted=1&emc=eta1
> Scholars Say Bones Belonged to Richard III
> In one of Britain?s most dramatic modern archaeological finds, tests identified the remains of the reviled English monarch, a discovery that could lead to a reassessment of his reign.
> John Burns' take on the RIII story, in his slightly disdainful style. Nevertheless, it's an excellent article. Right now it is listed as the #1 most emailed story on the NY Times website.
> Here's a tinyurl â€"
> http://tinyurl.com/ajrjnbu
> Loyaulte me lie,
> Johanne
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Johanne L. Tournier
> Email - mailto:jltournier60%40hotmail.com
> or mailto:jltournier%40xcountry.tv
> "With God, all things are possible."
> - Jesus of Nazareth
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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