A good one from Philly(US)

A good one from Philly(US)

2013-02-06 01:44:07
Ishita Bandyo
Love this article!

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Re: A good one from Philly(US)

2013-02-06 03:07:57
But...but...the writer called the Tydder, Henry of RICHMOND. Grrr...he had no right to that title. None. Nada. Zip.

But as the writer points out...no one remembers Henry of Richmond now, but they sure remember Richard III.


--- In , Ishita Bandyo wrote:
> http://www.philly.com/philly/news/189755441.html
> Love this article!

Re: A good one from Philly(US)

2013-02-06 04:54:36
Ishita Bandyo
YES!!! We talk of Henry 7 as an appendage to Richard III ! I don't suppose there is a H7 group?!!

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On Feb 5, 2013, at 10:07 PM, "wednesday_mc" <wednesday.mac@...> wrote:

> But...but...the writer called the Tydder, Henry of RICHMOND. Grrr...he had no right to that title. None. Nada. Zip.
> But as the writer points out...no one remembers Henry of Richmond now, but they sure remember Richard III.
> ~Weds
> --- In , Ishita Bandyo wrote:
> >
> > http://www.philly.com/philly/news/189755441.html
> > Love this article!

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