OT: Typos Was: FINALLY!!!

OT: Typos Was: FINALLY!!!

2013-02-08 20:25:46
Carol earlier:

> "It's been a very long time since I read Costain's "Plantagenets," but I think you may be referring to Melusine, a legendary witch (or sater goddess) ancestor.

Carol again:

And speaking of typos, "sater goddess" should be "water goddess"! I also typed "failed by" for "followed by" in another post (which happened to be about failure, which sort of explains that slip.

Karen's "type" for "typo" reminds that I once typed a syllabus instructing students to watch their "speling." Fortunately, it was in the days of Word Perfect 4.0, a big improvement over the old ditto masters. I'd have had to retype the whole page just to get rid of that glaring error. Another memorable one was a book blurb mentioning the author of "Moby Dick," "Merman Melville." My boss at the time caught that one before it was submitted. Since I was a known admirer of "Moby Dick" (flawed masterpiece that it is), he seemed torn between amusement and annoyance.

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