Richard-related highlights from Tumblr users

Richard-related highlights from Tumblr users

2013-02-08 22:17:45
Since I mentioned that there's been a sudden upswing in Ricardian interest on Tumblr, a social networking site with a very young userbase, I thought I'd share some of them here to relieve the mood a little.

User agifwall created an artistic impression of the find entitled "I Think We Parked In R3":

timekeeperart kicks off a series of Richard-related Valentines' cards with a pun:

allrightcallmefred depicts a meeting between Richard and Matt Smith as the Doctor:

mylifeinbricks posts a happy coincidence featuring the cast of the American sitcom "Community":

A recurring joke:

emilyonthewall chooses to celebrate the entire York family:

Other users are giving casting suggestions, with Richard's reconstructed face being compared to everyone from Morrissey to Orlando Bloom.

Re: Richard-related highlights from Tumblr users

2013-02-08 22:48:31
liz williams
There's real talent on there.  They're good.

From: meganphantomgirl <megan_phntmgrl@...>
Sent: Friday, 8 February 2013, 22:15
Subject: Richard-related highlights from Tumblr users

Since I mentioned that there's been a sudden upswing in Ricardian interest on Tumblr, a social networking site with a very young userbase, I thought I'd share some of them here to relieve the mood a little.

User agifwall created an artistic impression of the find entitled "I Think We Parked In R3":

timekeeperart kicks off a series of Richard-related Valentines' cards with a pun:

allrightcallmefred depicts a meeting between Richard and Matt Smith as the Doctor:

mylifeinbricks posts a happy coincidence featuring the cast of the American sitcom "Community":

A recurring joke:

emilyonthewall chooses to celebrate the entire York family:

Other users are giving casting suggestions, with Richard's reconstructed face being compared to everyone from Morrissey to Orlando Bloom.

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