The History Blog Liveblogs the RIII Announcement

The History Blog Liveblogs the RIII Announcement

2013-02-10 02:53:05
I don't know if you guys saw this. I tripped over it a couple days ago and found it completely charming. Her reaction to the DNA announcement is a lot like mine was.

Re: The History Blog Liveblogs the RIII Announcement

2013-02-10 12:36:33
liz williams
That's great.  I never read blogs, I don't have the time (too busy reading these e mails!)

From: mcjohn_wt_net <mcjohn@...>
Sent: Sunday, 10 February 2013, 2:53
Subject: The History Blog Liveblogs the RIII Announcement

I don't know if you guys saw this. I tripped over it a couple days ago and found it completely charming. Her reaction to the DNA announcement is a lot like mine was.

Re: The History Blog Liveblogs the RIII Announcement

2013-02-10 15:33:05
Pamela Bain
That is a great site, and I will bookmark it. This world is simply amazing. There are site for lost anything, and information is easily available. I think the trick is to find the sites which are seriously researched and the input is as close to the truth as is known. This past week, of course, will change many things and many more books will be written!

On Feb 9, 2013, at 8:53 PM, "mcjohn_wt_net" <mcjohn@...<mailto:mcjohn@...>> wrote:

I don't know if you guys saw this. I tripped over it a couple days ago and found it completely charming. Her reaction to the DNA announcement is a lot like mine was.

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