RIII relatives petitioning for burial at York?

RIII relatives petitioning for burial at York?

2013-02-10 17:44:38
somewhere yesterday I saw a news item that said that some indirect descendants of Richard have petitioned or at least publicly come out that he should be buried at York (not the Ibsons, I don't think). Now I can't find that story today. (should have bookmarked it, I know). Has anyone else read this or know anything about it? Their argument was that we bring soldiers bodies home for proper burial in their home are all the time, that the argument that he should be buried near where he fell in battle was ludicrous on its face. And that they as family wanted him to come home to York.

Re: RIII relatives petitioning for burial at York?

2013-02-10 17:54:20
liz williams
Yes I saw it and made what might  be construed as a rude comment about people coming out of the woodwork.
The whole point is that Leicester was agreed before the dig commenced.  Personally I have no problem with that but  it's nothing to do with me and nothing to do with them either really, to be honest.  There's probably quite a lot of "relatives" around, some of whom will be in Yorkshire, some won't.

From: cleo90808 <mary98136@...>
Sent: Sunday, 10 February 2013, 17:44
Subject: RIII relatives petitioning for burial at York?

somewhere yesterday I saw a news item that said that some indirect descendants of Richard have petitioned or at least publicly come out that he should be buried at York (not the Ibsons, I don't think). Now I can't find that story today. (should have bookmarked it, I know). Has anyone else read this or know anything about it? Their argument was that we bring soldiers bodies home for proper burial in their home are all the time, that the argument that he should be buried near where he fell in battle was ludicrous on its face. And that they as family wanted him to come home to York.

Re: RIII relatives petitioning for burial at York?

2013-02-10 18:43:55
Hi Liz & Cleo

>Yes I saw it and made what might  be construed as a rude comment about
>people coming out of the woodwork.

>The whole point is that Leicester was agreed before the dig commenced. 
>Personally I have no problem with that but  it's nothing to do with me
>and nothing to do with them either really, to be honest.  There's
>probably quite a lot of "relatives" around, some of whom will be in
>Yorkshire, some won't.

*** Absolutely Liz, have these people not seen the Chapter Statement
that The Chapter of York Minster have published? I posted it on here on
Friday, I think. Y M say don't want him, & uphold the Min of Justice
exhumation order in which it states that any remains will be reinterred
at Leicester, they also go on to say that they commend him to Leicester
Cathedral & the prayers of its community. In any case AFAIK the final
decision would've remained with Leicester Uni.


>From: cleo90808 <mary98136@...>
>Sent: Sunday, 10 February 2013, 17:44
>Subject: RIII relatives petitioning for
>burial at York?

>somewhere yesterday I saw a news item that said that some indirect
>descendants of Richard have petitioned or at least publicly come out
>that he should be buried at York (not the Ibsons, I don't think). Now I
>can't find that story today. (should have bookmarked it, I know). Has
>anyone else read this or know anything about it? Their argument was
>that we bring soldiers bodies home for proper burial in their home are
>all the time, that the argument that he should be buried near where he
>fell in battle was ludicrous on its face. And that they as family
>wanted him to come home to York.
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