Lets get back to sensible disscusions please

Lets get back to sensible disscusions please

2013-02-11 11:15:59
Hello All, In my opinion we have had enough of Henry Tudor and his web site.
I can understand the feelings about it but this forum is The Richard 111 Society forum so please can we get back to sensible disscusions about Richard and his times PLEASE.

Re: Lets get back to sensible disscusions please

2013-02-11 12:05:55
Paul Trevor Bale
On 11/02/2013 11:15, christineholmes651@... wrote:

> Hello All, In my opinion we have had enough of Henry Tudor and his web site.
> I can understand the feelings about it but this forum is The Richard 111 Society forum so please can we get back to sensible disscusions about Richard and his times PLEASE.
> Christine
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-11 12:38:02
Johanne Tournier
Hi, Christine, Paul, Carol T., et al -

I would like to make one suggestion to everyone. When I was in the US Navy,
a long time ago, there was a (somewhat) crude saying that had a lot of truth
to it - "No one likes to take group s**t!" Look, announcement that the
remains of King Richard III have been found only occurs once. So, naturally
the message traffic is going to go through the roof. In fact, it went way up
last September, with the initial announcement of the discover, but I believe
the amount of traffic gradually declined till surging again last week. So I
think the amount of message traffic is a problem which will cure itself with
a bit of time. When you make an accusation that could apply to anyone in the
group, I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a definite downer.
Since only Neil is moderator here, I would suggest that one should take
one's concerns/complaints to him off-list, and let him decide if any action
is necessary. Of course, alternatively, you could write to the particular
offender off-list, but that may be difficult to do without stirring up hard

For example, I personally don't feel discussion of the HVII Society FB page
is inappropriate here, although it has probably gone on long enough. Also, I
see nothing wrong with a rant (which I did) or a bit of humour at Henry's
expense. Even the odd digression can be fine as long as it is clearly labled
as "OT" and can easily be skipped without reading if one chooses.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Enforcement of the list rules is the
responsibility of the list moderator. The rest of us here are all in the
position of equal footsoldiers in King Richard's Army, so we shouldn't be
assuming the position of enforcement officers, imo. I can understand a bit
of frustration intruding here, as managing Real Life along with the message
traffic here has been a daunting challenge. But I think handling any issues
the way I've suggested is likely to keep relations here on the Forum much
friendlier all around and still allow issues to be dealt with effectively.

Very respectfully,


Loyaulte me lie



Johanne L. Tournier

Email - jltournier60@...

or jltournier@...

"With God, all things are possible."

- Jesus of Nazareth



[mailto:] On Behalf Of Paul Trevor
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 8:06 AM
Cc: paul.bale@...
Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible
disscusions please

On 11/02/2013 11:15, christineholmes651@...
<mailto:christineholmes651%40btinternet.com> wrote:

> Hello All, In my opinion we have had enough of Henry Tudor and his web
> I can understand the feelings about it but this forum is The Richard 111
Society forum so please can we get back to sensible disscusions about
Richard and his times PLEASE.
> Christine
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-11 18:36:23
Johanne Tournier wrote:
> Hi, Christine, Paul, Carol T., et al -

<snip? So, naturally the message traffic is going to go through the roof. In fact, it went way up last September, with the initial announcement of the discover, but I believe the amount of traffic gradually declined till surging again last week. So I think the amount of message traffic is a problem which will cure itself with
> a bit of time. When you make an accusation that could apply to anyone in the group, I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a definite downer. Since only Neil is moderator here, I would suggest that one should take one's concerns/complaints to him off-list, and let him decide if any action is necessary. [snip]

Carol responds:

Just to be clear, I'm not accusing anyone of anything and one of my concerns is the incessantly repeated messages taking the moral high ground and telling other posters what they should and should not do. All I'm asking is that once a person has made such a point to let it drop. And a few other topics (e.g., opera) are completely unrelated to Richard. At any other time, I wouldn't be concerned, but I'm so behind on posting now that I may never catch up--and here I am forced to add to the list because you brought my name up. I'm not complaining about anyone's attitude to anything, and I don't mind the Henry Tudor posts, which *are* on topic as far as I'm concerned. I'm just asking people to have some consideration for those of us who are in a different time zone and have difficulty keeping up with the conversation and for those who (unlike me) read the posts from their e-mail and are having to delete a lot of one-liners ("thanks for posting that," etc.) Jokes are fine. We all need a sense of humor, especially now. And I am not stepping into Neil's shoes telling people what to do, which I find reprehensible. I'm only making a simple and temporary request.

When I was on the Harry Potter for Grownups list, the moderators limited posters to five per day whenever a new book came out and they banned one-liners, period. I don't think we need to resort to such drastic measures. All I'm asking for is a little consideration. (And, er, to have my posts read a little more carefully.)


OT RE: [Richard III Society Forum] Lets get back to sensible discusi

2013-02-11 22:21:31
Johanne Tournier
Dear Carol -

On Saturday you posted the following (my comments will follow after the end
of your message):

[mailto:] On Behalf Of justcarol67
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: David Starkey and his comments
about Richard

Carol responds:


I think we might want to stay on topic now since we're averaging about five
hundred posts a day. Did anyone notice that we've gone from 336 posts for
the whole of August (the month that the dig was announced) to 2,250 for the
nine days so far of February, with most of them dating from February 4
onward? I think we should probably have some compassion for those who read
this forum from their e-mail and are spending a lot of time and energy
deleting messages. (For those people, may I suggest at least temporarily
switching over to reading your messages on the website?)

Carol, who will try to respond only to on-topic posts from this point until
the volume shrinks to something like normal

Now I comment -

Your email followed right after my OT post (which was labeled as such) on
Dorothy Eady, who was a fascinating lady, elderly when I was a teenager
about 50 years ago, who believed that she was the reincarnation of an
ancient Egyptian priestess of Isis. Her story reminded me of the discussions
that we've had on this Forum from time to time about people who think they
are the reincarnations of men and women who lived in Richard's time and
perhaps even knew him. I think such a discussion, although "out there,"
makes for fascinating conjecture. In Omm Seti's case, she apparently was
responsible for discoveries that could not be explained

When I saw your email so soon after I sent mine, I figured that it was my
email that caused you to make your comments at that point. Whether it was my
email that was the "proximate cause" or not, as I wrote earlier, it bothers
me to have someone impliedly criticize everyone in the group, maybe because
I'm very sensitive to such criticism. I think, if people are unhappy with an
issue that involves administration of list rules, netiquette, and courtesy
to the other members, it's probably best to go through Neil, the moderator.

And as someone who is, in effect, saying "Do as I say, not as I do" meaning
I realize that I have broken my own suggested guidelines more than once, I
apologize to everyone.

End of the matter, as far as I am concerned.

Loyaulte me lie,


[mailto:] On Behalf Of justcarol67
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible
discusions please

Johanne Tournier wrote:
> Hi, Christine, Paul, Carol T., et al -

a bit of time. When you make an accusation that could apply to anyone in the
group, I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a definite downer.
Since only Neil is moderator here, I would suggest that one should take
one's concerns/complaints to him off-list, and let him decide if any action
is necessary. [snip]

Carol responds:

Just to be clear, I'm not accusing anyone of anything and one of my concerns
is the incessantly repeated messages taking the moral high ground and
telling other posters what they should and should not do. All I'm asking is
that once a person has made such a point to let it drop. And a few other
topics (e.g., opera) are completely unrelated to Richard. At any other time,
I wouldn't be concerned, but I'm so behind on posting now that I may never
catch up--and here I am forced to add to the list because you brought my
name up. I'm not complaining about anyone's attitude to anything, and I
don't mind the Henry Tudor posts, which *are* on topic as far as I'm
concerned. I'm just asking people to have some consideration for those of us
who are in a different time zone and have difficulty keeping up with the
conversation and for those who (unlike me) read the posts from their e-mail
and are having to delete a lot of one-liners ("thanks for posting that,"
etc.) Jokes are fine. We all need a sense of humor, especially now. And I am
not stepping into Neil's shoes telling people what to do, which I find
reprehensible. I'm only making a simple and temporary request.

When I was on the Harry Potter for Grownups list, the moderators limited
posters to five per day whenever a new book came out and they banned
one-liners, period. I don't think we need to resort to such drastic
measures. All I'm asking for is a little consideration. (And, er, to have my
posts read a little more carefully.)


Re: OT RE: [Richard III Society Forum] Lets get back to sensible dis

2013-02-12 03:24:48
Johanne wrote:
> Your email followed right after my OT post (which was labeled as such) on Dorothy Eady, [snip]
> When I saw your email so soon after I sent mine, I figured that it was my> email that caused you to make your comments at that point. [snip]

Carol responds:

Johanne, my post had nothing to do with yours, which I hadn't even read yet (probably we were posting at the same time), and had everything to do with what I said in the posts--we have so many posts to get through right now that it's a struggle to keep up. What I didn't say is that I'm constantly tired and am missing work to keep up. If I sounded cross, that's the reason. I did have specific posts in mind, but they weren't yours, and I still think that this is really not the best time to be posting off topic. I did not and do not intend anything personal, and I'm a bit hurt that you would think I did.

Still, though, let's just drop it and go back to friendly discussions, preferably on Ricardian topics. No need to respond. In fact, please don't.


Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-12 21:49:33
Quite correct, Carol. When we have two hundred messages a month there is space for banter but when we have two hundred a day it is tiresome. Posters should desist from quips and irrelevancies for now.

--- In , "justcarol67" wrote:
> Johanne Tournier wrote:
> >
> > Hi, Christine, Paul, Carol T., et al -
> a bit of time. When you make an accusation that could apply to anyone in the group, I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a definite downer. Since only Neil is moderator here, I would suggest that one should take one's concerns/complaints to him off-list, and let him decide if any action is necessary. [snip]
> Carol responds:
> Just to be clear, I'm not accusing anyone of anything and one of my concerns is the incessantly repeated messages taking the moral high ground and telling other posters what they should and should not do. All I'm asking is that once a person has made such a point to let it drop. And a few other topics (e.g., opera) are completely unrelated to Richard. At any other time, I wouldn't be concerned, but I'm so behind on posting now that I may never catch up--and here I am forced to add to the list because you brought my name up. I'm not complaining about anyone's attitude to anything, and I don't mind the Henry Tudor posts, which *are* on topic as far as I'm concerned. I'm just asking people to have some consideration for those of us who are in a different time zone and have difficulty keeping up with the conversation and for those who (unlike me) read the posts from their e-mail and are having to delete a lot of one-liners ("thanks for posting that," etc.) Jokes are fine. We all need a sense of humor, especially now. And I am not stepping into Neil's shoes telling people what to do, which I find reprehensible. I'm only making a simple and temporary request.
> When I was on the Harry Potter for Grownups list, the moderators limited posters to five per day whenever a new book came out and they banned one-liners, period. I don't think we need to resort to such drastic measures. All I'm asking for is a little consideration. (And, er, to have my posts read a little more carefully.)
> Carol

Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-12 22:26:12
Bantering is banned now? I must say I'm beginning to wonder why I'm here at all. I can be on the Facebook page without all the attitude. Maire.

--- In , "stephenmlark" wrote:
> Quite correct, Carol. When we have two hundred messages a month there is space for banter but when we have two hundred a day it is tiresome. Posters should desist from quips and irrelevancies for now.
> --- In , "justcarol67" wrote:
> >
> > Johanne Tournier wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi, Christine, Paul, Carol T., et al -
> >
> >
> > a bit of time. When you make an accusation that could apply to anyone in the group, I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a definite downer. Since only Neil is moderator here, I would suggest that one should take one's concerns/complaints to him off-list, and let him decide if any action is necessary. [snip]
> >
> > Carol responds:
> >
> > Just to be clear, I'm not accusing anyone of anything and one of my concerns is the incessantly repeated messages taking the moral high ground and telling other posters what they should and should not do. All I'm asking is that once a person has made such a point to let it drop. And a few other topics (e.g., opera) are completely unrelated to Richard. At any other time, I wouldn't be concerned, but I'm so behind on posting now that I may never catch up--and here I am forced to add to the list because you brought my name up. I'm not complaining about anyone's attitude to anything, and I don't mind the Henry Tudor posts, which *are* on topic as far as I'm concerned. I'm just asking people to have some consideration for those of us who are in a different time zone and have difficulty keeping up with the conversation and for those who (unlike me) read the posts from their e-mail and are having to delete a lot of one-liners ("thanks for posting that," etc.) Jokes are fine. We all need a sense of humor, especially now. And I am not stepping into Neil's shoes telling people what to do, which I find reprehensible. I'm only making a simple and temporary request.
> >
> > When I was on the Harry Potter for Grownups list, the moderators limited posters to five per day whenever a new book came out and they banned one-liners, period. I don't think we need to resort to such drastic measures. All I'm asking for is a little consideration. (And, er, to have my posts read a little more carefully.)
> >
> > Carol
> >

Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-12 22:52:16
liz williams
Nice bit of banter Maire :-)

From: mairemulholland <mairemulholland@...>
Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2013, 22:26
Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

Bantering is banned now? I must say I'm beginning to wonder why I'm here at all. I can be on the Facebook page without all the attitude. Maire.

--- In mailto:%40yahoogroups.com, "stephenmlark" wrote:
> Quite correct, Carol. When we have two hundred messages a month there is space for banter but when we have two hundred a day it is tiresome. Posters should desist from quips and irrelevancies for now.
> --- In mailto:%40yahoogroups.com, "justcarol67" wrote:
> >
> > Johanne Tournier wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi, Christine, Paul, Carol T., et al -
> >
> >
> > a bit of time. When you make an accusation that could apply to anyone in the group, I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a definite downer. Since only Neil is moderator here, I would suggest that one should take one's concerns/complaints to him off-list, and let him decide if any action is necessary. [snip]
> >
> > Carol responds:
> >
> > Just to be clear, I'm not accusing anyone of anything and one of my concerns is the incessantly repeated messages taking the moral high ground and telling other posters what they should and should not do. All I'm asking is that once a person has made such a point to let it drop. And a few other topics (e.g., opera) are completely unrelated to Richard. At any other time, I wouldn't be concerned, but I'm so behind on posting now that I may never catch up--and here I am forced to add to the list because you brought my name up. I'm not complaining about anyone's attitude to anything, and I don't mind the Henry Tudor posts, which *are* on topic as far as I'm concerned. I'm just asking people to have some consideration for those of us who are in a different time zone and have difficulty keeping up with the conversation and for those who (unlike me) read the posts from their e-mail and are having to delete a lot of one-liners ("thanks for posting that,"
etc.) Jokes are fine. We all need a sense of humor, especially now. And I am not stepping into Neil's shoes telling people what to do, which I find reprehensible. I'm only making a simple and temporary request.
> >
> > When I was on the Harry Potter for Grownups list, the moderators limited posters to five per day whenever a new book came out and they banned one-liners, period. I don't think we need to resort to such drastic measures. All I'm asking for is a little consideration. (And, er, to have my posts read a little more carefully.)
> >
> > Carol
> >

Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-12 22:52:20
Maire wrote:
> Bantering is banned now? I must say I'm beginning to wonder why I'm here at all. I can be on the Facebook page without all the attitude. Maire.

Carol responds:

Just to be clear, I didn't ask for a ban on bantering though the response to my post did. (Well, he asked if we could hold off for now, not permanently.) I was just hoping that we could try to keep our posts on topic (even the jokes!) and try to cut down on the number of posts for the sake of people who can't keep up or post from e-mail and have to delete them. It was meant as a request for courtesy and consideration, just temporarily to help people keep up. I seem to have been misunderstood by more than one person. And I keep having to respond to posts like this one, defeating my own purpose in making the request.

Joke on, please, Maire, McJohn, George, Weds. But it is hard to keep up with all these posts.


Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-12 22:56:41
liz williams
Oh I thought it was a joke from Maire.
As someone who views all of these on e mail, it is hard to keep up at the moment but I use the viewing pane so I can see if each one is more than a one liner.  I'm sure it will calm down a bit soon.

From: justcarol67 <justcarol67@...>
Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2013, 22:45
Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please


Maire wrote:
> Bantering is banned now? I must say I'm beginning to wonder why I'm here at all. I can be on the Facebook page without all the attitude. Maire.

Carol responds:

Just to be clear, I didn't ask for a ban on bantering though the response to my post did. (Well, he asked if we could hold off for now, not permanently.) I was just hoping that we could try to keep our posts on topic (even the jokes!) and try to cut down on the number of posts for the sake of people who can't keep up or post from e-mail and have to delete them. It was meant as a request for courtesy and consideration, just temporarily to help people keep up. I seem to have been misunderstood by more than one person. And I keep having to respond to posts like this one, defeating my own purpose in making the request.

Joke on, please, Maire, McJohn, George, Weds. But it is hard to keep up with all these posts.


Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-12 23:59:47
Ishita Bandyo
I love the humor you guys bring here!
Just scroll through till you find the posts that you like and ignore the ones you want nothing to do with. Like this one, perhaps.
We really need a " safe place" to come to. Considering every other forum seems to be teeming with anti Richard proponents. It's terrible out there guys! Richard is getting smashed at even sites like medievalist.net.

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 12, 2013, at 5:52 PM, liz williams <ferrymansdaughter@...> wrote:

> Nice bit of banter Maire :-)
> Liz
> ________________________________
> From: mairemulholland mairemulholland@...>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2013, 22:26
> Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please
> Bantering is banned now? I must say I'm beginning to wonder why I'm here at all. I can be on the Facebook page without all the attitude. Maire.
> --- In mailto:%40yahoogroups.com, "stephenmlark" wrote:
> >
> > Quite correct, Carol. When we have two hundred messages a month there is space for banter but when we have two hundred a day it is tiresome. Posters should desist from quips and irrelevancies for now.
> >
> > --- In mailto:%40yahoogroups.com, "justcarol67" wrote:
> > >
> > > Johanne Tournier wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi, Christine, Paul, Carol T., et al -
> > >
> > >
> > > a bit of time. When you make an accusation that could apply to anyone in the group, I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a definite downer. Since only Neil is moderator here, I would suggest that one should take one's concerns/complaints to him off-list, and let him decide if any action is necessary. [snip]
> > >
> > > Carol responds:
> > >
> > > Just to be clear, I'm not accusing anyone of anything and one of my concerns is the incessantly repeated messages taking the moral high ground and telling other posters what they should and should not do. All I'm asking is that once a person has made such a point to let it drop. And a few other topics (e.g., opera) are completely unrelated to Richard. At any other time, I wouldn't be concerned, but I'm so behind on posting now that I may never catch up--and here I am forced to add to the list because you brought my name up. I'm not complaining about anyone's attitude to anything, and I don't mind the Henry Tudor posts, which *are* on topic as far as I'm concerned. I'm just asking people to have some consideration for those of us who are in a different time zone and have difficulty keeping up with the conversation and for those who (unlike me) read the posts from their e-mail and are having to delete a lot of one-liners ("thanks for posting that,"
> etc.) Jokes are fine. We all need a sense of humor, especially now. And I am not stepping into Neil's shoes telling people what to do, which I find reprehensible. I'm only making a simple and temporary request.
> > >
> > > When I was on the Harry Potter for Grownups list, the moderators limited posters to five per day whenever a new book came out and they banned one-liners, period. I don't think we need to resort to such drastic measures. All I'm asking for is a little consideration. (And, er, to have my posts read a little more carefully.)
> > >
> > > Carol
> > >
> >

Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-13 09:58:27
Stephen Lark
Just look at the numbers. We have three thousand messages already this month compared to about a hundred last February. I merely supported (not simply made) a reasonable request that, when people wake up to a hundred overnight messages every morning, they should be more relevant to history until the present intensity passes. Neither Carol nor I mentioned any names and I have created a Facebook group in which banter is best placed at present.

To put it another way, we should take a leaf out of (Oliver) Cromwell's book. He proposed that those who sat in Parliament resign their military commissions - this has gone down as the "self-denying ordnance";)

----- Original Message -----
From: mairemulholland
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

Bantering is banned now? I must say I'm beginning to wonder why I'm here at all. I can be on the Facebook page without all the attitude. Maire.

--- In , "stephenmlark" wrote:
> Quite correct, Carol. When we have two hundred messages a month there is space for banter but when we have two hundred a day it is tiresome. Posters should desist from quips and irrelevancies for now.
> --- In , "justcarol67" wrote:
> >
> > Johanne Tournier wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi, Christine, Paul, Carol T., et al -
> >
> >
> > a bit of time. When you make an accusation that could apply to anyone in the group, I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a definite downer. Since only Neil is moderator here, I would suggest that one should take one's concerns/complaints to him off-list, and let him decide if any action is necessary. [snip]
> >
> > Carol responds:
> >
> > Just to be clear, I'm not accusing anyone of anything and one of my concerns is the incessantly repeated messages taking the moral high ground and telling other posters what they should and should not do. All I'm asking is that once a person has made such a point to let it drop. And a few other topics (e.g., opera) are completely unrelated to Richard. At any other time, I wouldn't be concerned, but I'm so behind on posting now that I may never catch up--and here I am forced to add to the list because you brought my name up. I'm not complaining about anyone's attitude to anything, and I don't mind the Henry Tudor posts, which *are* on topic as far as I'm concerned. I'm just asking people to have some consideration for those of us who are in a different time zone and have difficulty keeping up with the conversation and for those who (unlike me) read the posts from their e-mail and are having to delete a lot of one-liners ("thanks for posting that," etc.) Jokes are fine. We all need a sense of humor, especially now. And I am not stepping into Neil's shoes telling people what to do, which I find reprehensible. I'm only making a simple and temporary request.
> >
> > When I was on the Harry Potter for Grownups list, the moderators limited posters to five per day whenever a new book came out and they banned one-liners, period. I don't think we need to resort to such drastic measures. All I'm asking for is a little consideration. (And, er, to have my posts read a little more carefully.)
> >
> > Carol
> >

Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-13 10:06:47
Hello Stephen, Thank you very much for this post.

Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-13 10:12:27
liz williams
Well obviously most of us on here don't believe in the pantomime villain Richard but it's not actually entirely "safe" here  since anyone who looks at the forum through the website can see everything we post.  I know we've been told it's visible but I (naively) had no idea just HOW visible until a couple of days ago when I saw someone posting a link on FB to stuff on here. 
I can't see a forum or comments at Medievalists.net or am I looking at the wrong website?

From: Ishita Bandyo <bandyoi@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2013, 23:59
Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

I love the humor you guys bring here!
Just scroll through till you find the posts that you like and ignore the ones you want nothing to do with. Like this one, perhaps.
We really need a " safe place" to come to. Considering every other forum seems to be teeming with anti Richard proponents. It's terrible out there guys! Richard is getting smashed at even sites like medievalist.net.

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 12, 2013, at 5:52 PM, liz williams mailto:ferrymansdaughter%40btinternet.com> wrote:

> Nice bit of banter Maire :-)
> Liz
> ________________________________
> From: mairemulholland mailto:mairemulholland%40yahoo.com>
> To: mailto:%40yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2013, 22:26
> Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please
> Bantering is banned now? I must say I'm beginning to wonder why I'm here at all. I can be on the Facebook page without all the attitude. Maire.
> --- In mailto:%40yahoogroups.com, "stephenmlark" wrote:
> >
> > Quite correct, Carol. When we have two hundred messages a month there is space for banter but when we have two hundred a day it is tiresome. Posters should desist from quips and irrelevancies for now.
> >
> > --- In mailto:%40yahoogroups.com, "justcarol67" wrote:
> > >
> > > Johanne Tournier wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi, Christine, Paul, Carol T., et al -
> > >
> > >
> > > a bit of time. When you make an accusation that could apply to anyone in the group, I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a definite downer. Since only Neil is moderator here, I would suggest that one should take one's concerns/complaints to him off-list, and let him decide if any action is necessary. [snip]
> > >
> > > Carol responds:
> > >
> > > Just to be clear, I'm not accusing anyone of anything and one of my concerns is the incessantly repeated messages taking the moral high ground and telling other posters what they should and should not do. All I'm asking is that once a person has made such a point to let it drop. And a few other topics (e.g., opera) are completely unrelated to Richard. At any other time, I wouldn't be concerned, but I'm so behind on posting now that I may never catch up--and here I am forced to add to the list because you brought my name up. I'm not complaining about anyone's attitude to anything, and I don't mind the Henry Tudor posts, which *are* on topic as far as I'm concerned. I'm just asking people to have some consideration for those of us who are in a different time zone and have difficulty keeping up with the conversation and for those who (unlike me) read the posts from their e-mail and are having to delete a lot of one-liners ("thanks for posting that,"
> etc.) Jokes are fine. We all need a sense of humor, especially now. And I am not stepping into Neil's shoes telling people what to do, which I find reprehensible. I'm only making a simple and temporary request.
> > >
> > > When I was on the Harry Potter for Grownups list, the moderators limited posters to five per day whenever a new book came out and they banned one-liners, period. I don't think we need to resort to such drastic measures. All I'm asking for is a little consideration. (And, er, to have my posts read a little more carefully.)
> > >
> > > Carol
> > >
> >

Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-13 11:16:35
The problem seems to be that a lot of people get their posts from email - which clogs up their system. Others, like me, simply come to the group and look over the posts and pick and choose which ones we want to respond to. It's much eassier. Maire.

--- In , "Stephen Lark" wrote:
> Just look at the numbers. We have three thousand messages already this month compared to about a hundred last February. I merely supported (not simply made) a reasonable request that, when people wake up to a hundred overnight messages every morning, they should be more relevant to history until the present intensity passes. Neither Carol nor I mentioned any names and I have created a Facebook group in which banter is best placed at present.
> To put it another way, we should take a leaf out of (Oliver) Cromwell's book. He proposed that those who sat in Parliament resign their military commissions - this has gone down as the "self-denying ordnance";)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: mairemulholland
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 10:26 PM
> Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please
> Bantering is banned now? I must say I'm beginning to wonder why I'm here at all. I can be on the Facebook page without all the attitude. Maire.
> --- In , "stephenmlark" wrote:
> >
> > Quite correct, Carol. When we have two hundred messages a month there is space for banter but when we have two hundred a day it is tiresome. Posters should desist from quips and irrelevancies for now.
> >
> > --- In , "justcarol67" wrote:
> > >
> > > Johanne Tournier wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi, Christine, Paul, Carol T., et al -
> > >
> > >
> > > a bit of time. When you make an accusation that could apply to anyone in the group, I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a definite downer. Since only Neil is moderator here, I would suggest that one should take one's concerns/complaints to him off-list, and let him decide if any action is necessary. [snip]
> > >
> > > Carol responds:
> > >
> > > Just to be clear, I'm not accusing anyone of anything and one of my concerns is the incessantly repeated messages taking the moral high ground and telling other posters what they should and should not do. All I'm asking is that once a person has made such a point to let it drop. And a few other topics (e.g., opera) are completely unrelated to Richard. At any other time, I wouldn't be concerned, but I'm so behind on posting now that I may never catch up--and here I am forced to add to the list because you brought my name up. I'm not complaining about anyone's attitude to anything, and I don't mind the Henry Tudor posts, which *are* on topic as far as I'm concerned. I'm just asking people to have some consideration for those of us who are in a different time zone and have difficulty keeping up with the conversation and for those who (unlike me) read the posts from their e-mail and are having to delete a lot of one-liners ("thanks for posting that," etc.) Jokes are fine. We all need a sense of humor, especially now. And I am not stepping into Neil's shoes telling people what to do, which I find reprehensible. I'm only making a simple and temporary request.
> > >
> > > When I was on the Harry Potter for Grownups list, the moderators limited posters to five per day whenever a new book came out and they banned one-liners, period. I don't think we need to resort to such drastic measures. All I'm asking for is a little consideration. (And, er, to have my posts read a little more carefully.)
> > >
> > > Carol
> > >
> >

Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-13 11:18:55
To all:
This  is a quick reply as I am at work.
I'm not sure if people that are not subscribed to the Forum can see the posts via the Forum's webpage. Of course if people are members to the Forum then they have the access and therefore can cross post comments elsewhere, there isn't really anything that can be done about that. It isn't a case of not being safe. It is only you as the members that make it safe by what you post, don't blame others!
As mentioned earlier, the traffic being posted is huge compared to the past when we were lucky to get 200 odd posts a month compered to 2-300 a day now. There are a lot of new people joining which is great and with all the extra posts I can see that it has been creating tension between a few people. Some of those people are taking it personally which I can understand and some are opting to leave.
It has been an exciting few weeks and many people have specific views and I can only see this continuing debates for some weeks to go.
So, what options do we have?
1/ I include a number of moderators and all emails are vetted before posting. This isn't a route I feel is possitive to flow of debate. It will take my time and others and is counterproductive!
2/ Members take more care to what they post and appreciate that others have views that will never agree with yours. If this is the case then why flog a dead horse trying to get your point over when it will never be accepted. Just agree to dis-agree and move on. Even I am finding that time isn't on my side to read all posts.
3/ Banter, I don't see banter as a big issue as long as it doesn't get personal and long winded. Keep them short to a topic and don't flood the list with them.
4/ If people have an issue with another member just email me and give the the details and we'll discuss it and look for a resolution.
5/ Read  the webpage openeing statement in that topics are to be R3 related. I don't mind the odd diversion to a non topic post, but again be sensible about it.
We are all adults here I hope and we should behave accordingly.
Forum Moderator

From: liz williams <ferrymansdaughter@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 February 2013, 10:12
Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please


Well obviously most of us on here don't believe in the pantomime villain Richard but it's not actually entirely "safe" here  since anyone who looks at the forum through the website can see everything we post.  I know we've been told it's visible but I (naively) had no idea just HOW visible until a couple of days ago when I saw someone posting a link on FB to stuff on here. 
I can't see a forum or comments at Medievalists.net or am I looking at the wrong website?

From: Ishita Bandyo mailto:bandyoi%40yahoo.com>
To: "mailto:%40yahoogroups.com" mailto:%40yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2013, 23:59
Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

I love the humor you guys bring here!
Just scroll through till you find the posts that you like and ignore the ones you want nothing to do with. Like this one, perhaps.
We really need a " safe place" to come to. Considering every other forum seems to be teeming with anti Richard proponents. It's terrible out there guys! Richard is getting smashed at even sites like medievalist.net.

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 12, 2013, at 5:52 PM, liz williams mailto:ferrymansdaughter%40btinternet.com> wrote:

> Nice bit of banter Maire :-)
> Liz
> ________________________________
> From: mairemulholland mailto:mairemulholland%40yahoo.com>
> To: mailto:%40yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2013, 22:26
> Subject: Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please
> Bantering is banned now? I must say I'm beginning to wonder why I'm here at all. I can be on the Facebook page without all the attitude. Maire.
> --- In mailto:%40yahoogroups.com, "stephenmlark" wrote:
> >
> > Quite correct, Carol. When we have two hundred messages a month there is space for banter but when we have two hundred a day it is tiresome. Posters should desist from quips and irrelevancies for now.
> >
> > --- In mailto:%40yahoogroups.com, "justcarol67" wrote:
> > >
> > > Johanne Tournier wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi, Christine, Paul, Carol T., et al -
> > >
> > >
> > > a bit of time. When you make an accusation that could apply to anyone in the group, I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a definite downer. Since only Neil is moderator here, I would suggest that one should take one's concerns/complaints to him off-list, and let him decide if any action is necessary. [snip]
> > >
> > > Carol responds:
> > >
> > > Just to be clear, I'm not accusing anyone of anything and one of my concerns is the incessantly repeated messages taking the moral high ground and telling other posters what they should and should not do. All I'm asking is that once a person has made such a point to let it drop. And a few other topics (e.g., opera) are completely unrelated to Richard. At any other time, I wouldn't be concerned, but I'm so behind on posting now that I may never catch up--and here I am forced to add to the list because you brought my name up. I'm not complaining about anyone's attitude to anything, and I don't mind the Henry Tudor posts, which *are* on topic as far as I'm concerned. I'm just asking people to have some consideration for those of us who are in a different time zone and have difficulty keeping up with the conversation and for those who (unlike me) read the posts from their e-mail and are having to delete a lot of one-liners ("thanks for posting that,"
> etc.) Jokes are fine. We all need a sense of humor, especially now. And I am not stepping into Neil's shoes telling people what to do, which I find reprehensible. I'm only making a simple and temporary request.
> > >
> > > When I was on the Harry Potter for Grownups list, the moderators limited posters to five per day whenever a new book came out and they banned one-liners, period. I don't think we need to resort to such drastic measures. All I'm asking for is a little consideration. (And, er, to have my posts read a little more carefully.)
> > >
> > > Carol
> > >
> >

Re: Lets get back to sensible discusions please

2013-02-13 16:41:09
> To all:
> This  is a quick reply as I am at work.
> I'm not sure if people that are not subscribed to the Forum can see the posts via the Forum's webpage. [snip]

Carol responds:

They can, and quite easily. Just sign out of Yahoo and try to access the site. People who have not joined the group (which is, in fact, quite easy to do) can not only read the posts but follow the links to other posts in the thread. They can also accidentally encounter posts in the forum by Googling a certain topic. I have frequently found my own posts shown near the top of the search results on a topic of interest to me.

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