Richard the movie again!

Richard the movie again!

2013-02-18 21:13:02
Paul Trevor Bale
Thought you might find this interesting. I posted on a screen writers
forum in the hope that people looking for a film about Richard would
find out about my script.
This is the latest response.
The fight goes on when such ignorant imbeciles are about!
Richard Liveth Yet!


Re: Richard the Third

Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:00 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Lise Pyles" lisepyles

I'm just starting the marketing part of this journey, and also feel my
topic is timely. I hope you get some good responses. Good luck. Lise

On 2/16/2013 12:01 PM, ptb2004uk wrote:
> For a number of years I have been banging on about what a great movie
> or mini series the life of the real Richard the Third would make, and
> have spent a lot of time writing a script which is getting a lot of
> good notices form those who have read it.
> With the discovery of the King's remains and ll the publicity I
> thought people would be beating a path to my door to finance a ready
> made screenplay. Or at leas t ask to see it!
> So how come nobody is? And how do I get interest when even agents
> aren't even acknowledging me when I email or write to them [without
> sending the script just the request]?
> Yesterday I saw about a big financier looking to develop scripts with
> "names' attached. But try getting a 'name' actor or director to read
> your script when you have no writing credits!
> Really frustrated as I'm sure many oh you out there are.
> __

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Re: Richard the Third

Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:13 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Gary Theroux" therouxgary

I don't know why anyone would want to make a movie about a real shit
like Richard The Turd.

-- Seymour Bomms

----- Original Message -----
From: Lise Pyles
To: [email protected] <>
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2013 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [screenwriting] Richard the Third

I'm just starting the marketing part of this journey, and also feel my
topic is timely. I hope you get some good responses. Good luck. Lise

On 2/16/2013 12:01 PM, ptb2004uk wrote:
> For a number of years I have been banging on about what a great movie
> or mini series the life of the real Richard the Third would make, and
> have spent a lot of time writing a script which is getting a lot of
> good notices form those who have read it.
> With the discovery of the King's remains and ll the publicity I
> thought people would be beating a path to my door to finance a ready
> made screenplay. Or at leas t ask to see it!
> So how come nobody is? And how do I get interest when even agents
> aren't even acknowledging me when I email or write to them [without
> sending the script just the request]?
> Yesterday I saw about a big financier looking to develop scripts with
> "names' attached. But try getting a 'name' actor or director to read
> your script when you have no writing credits!
> Really frustrated as I'm sure many oh you out there are.
> __

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