Leave Paul alone

Leave Paul alone

2013-02-26 10:37:21
I for one have found no problem with Paul, he has been very helpful regarding any enquiry's I have made to him.
I have found him friendly and courteous.
Some people on this forum come over as and this is my opinion, as feeling themselves superior to even some of the old guard who do have considerable knowledge of which I am one.
I will reconsider my leaving the forum for a short while to see how it develops in the next few weeks.
This post is my last word on this subject and I will not answer any posts regarding it.
Lets hope Neil's new posts help.

Loyaulte me Lie

Re: Leave Paul alone

2013-02-26 10:56:10
Claire M Jordan
From: christineholmes651@...
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:37 AM
Subject: Leave Paul alone

The problem is that Paul won't leave Ishita and me alone. I wish he would.

New forum rules (Was: Leave Paul alone)

2013-02-26 14:02:14
> The problem is that Paul won't leave Ishita and me alone. I wish he would.
Carol responds:

We're not supposed to be discussing other forum members at all per Neil's post. Can we get back to Richard III?


Re: Leave Paul alone

2013-02-26 14:25:57
Angela Lowe
Dear Ricardians,

I'm a Ricardian currently living in South-Africa (this as an excuse for
possible grammar and typing mistakes or unusual English I might use). I
love the forum, I have never posted before due to my own insecurity. The
forum provides a wealth of information provided by very knowledgable,
dedicated people.The participants who are less knowledgable clearly have a
ferocious need for information which I find wonderful.

True: when the excavation in Leicester proved succesful I couldn't help but
raising my eyebrows because of all the sudden interest. After years of
defending myself for my interest and passion, now all of a sudden it seemed
'fashionable' to be 'into' Richard. To my surprise there are now aprons
with his picture as well as coasters, underwear, bumper stickers and
clocks. Book sales have gone up and there are publications which make you
seriously doubt the knowledge of the writers.

The forum got many more members but I was so happy to see that although
there are 'repeated' questions, some ignorant questions etc. all
questions show the interest of the writers.

However, I have noticed that lately things are becoming personal sometimes.
One of the things we (Ricardians) have in common is passion: passion for
Richard, passion for what we believe is right, passion for the truth.
Passion is emotion and there the trouble might start. Emotion can cause
friction and misunderstanding. Furthermore, I believe we all have busy
lives with work, responsabilities, family. Trying to keep up with your
email during the day or at the end of a busy day might cause some people to
word things differently than they mean.

Richard tended to see the best in people and I feel so should we.

This is an amazing time for all Ricardians in which we need to 'stick'
together. I feel a forum as large as this one can only survive with respect
and trust.

I have let Paul know that I would miss his postings dearly and wish he
would reconsider. I found him very knowledgable and polite. I hope the
forum can count his contributions for years to come.

Richard lives in all of us.

Sorry to be adding to the huge number of postings, especially with a
message like this. I just needed to get it of my chest. Now I will retreat
in my own little corner again, looking forward to many interesting posts to


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