ARTICLE: English professor forced to edit book

ARTICLE: English professor forced to edit book

2013-02-26 23:51:59
ARTICLE: English professor forced to edit book after truth behind Richard III's death is unearthed

...but he's still premising that Shakespeare's Richard is the "real" Richard. Gah. English professors should not muck about in history.

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Re: ARTICLE: English professor forced to edit book

2013-02-27 13:11:28
Pamela Bain
OK, not exactly a long post.....I posted, and the first one popped back, so I tried again, and now there will be two.......oh well! Thanks for giving us a place to speak!

From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of wednesday_mc
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 5:52 PM
Subject: ARTICLE: English professor forced to edit book

ARTICLE: English professor forced to edit book after truth behind Richard III's death is unearthed

...but he's still premising that Shakespeare's Richard is the "real" Richard. Gah. English professors should not muck about in history.

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