Website but not FAQs
Website but not FAQs
2013-02-27 10:51:21
Another forum I visit occasionally opens with a list of main heading topics so you don't have to venture into areas of no interest to you. So this forum would open with a pre-defined list such as Princes in the Tower, Pre-Contract, Wars of the Roses Battles and Armour, Ricardian Fiction (I'm making these up as examples). That means that if you don't want to read or discard posts about, say, Ricardian Fiction you don't have to go there. You just go the main heading topic you want and visit and post sub-topics. I know this one in theory does that, but so many topics are sub-topics and that defeats the object, if you follow me.
With so many posts and members this could help syphon stuff a bit but I don't know whether Yahoo can do this or whether you've tried it already?
Just a suggestion. H
Another forum I visit occasionally opens with a list of main heading topics so you don't have to venture into areas of no interest to you. So this forum would open with a pre-defined list such as Princes in the Tower, Pre-Contract, Wars of the Roses Battles and Armour, Ricardian Fiction (I'm making these up as examples). That means that if you don't want to read or discard posts about, say, Ricardian Fiction you don't have to go there. You just go the main heading topic you want and visit and post sub-topics. I know this one in theory does that, but so many topics are sub-topics and that defeats the object, if you follow me.
With so many posts and members this could help syphon stuff a bit but I don't know whether Yahoo can do this or whether you've tried it already?
Just a suggestion. H