The Conference

The Conference

2013-03-03 12:58:30
liz williams
So?  Are you awake yet, you lucky folk who went?  Are you too exhausted/overwhelmed to post?  Can we please at least have bullet points of the major bits?
Sorry to sound SO impatient but am desperate to know.

Re: The Conference

2013-03-03 14:28:42
Hear, hear. Liz

--- In , liz williams <ferrymansdaughter@...> wrote:
> So?  Are you awake yet, you lucky folk who went?  Are you too exhausted/overwhelmed to post?  Can we please at least have bullet points of the major bits?
> Sorry to sound SO impatient but am desperate to know.
> Liz

Re: The Conference

2013-03-03 15:45:42
carole hughes
Still travelling Home

but 4 more programmes from Channel 4 and the BBC were filming for a documentary about the reinternment. Also there seemed to be society filming of the conference


From: liz williams <ferrymansdaughter@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, 3 March 2013, 12:58
Subject: The Conference

So?  Are you awake yet, you lucky folk who went?  Are you too exhausted/overwhelmed to post?  Can we please at least have bullet points of the major bits?
Sorry to sound SO impatient but am desperate to know.

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