Book Recommendations

Book Recommendations

2013-03-07 11:35:17
Thank you Liz and Joan for your recommendations, for years i have been searching for books about Arthur but all of them seem to want to destroy the romantic legend, i do like my heros to be romantic, not just a big tough warrior, so i am going to investigate Mary Stewart.


Re: Book Recommendations

2013-03-07 11:44:40
liz williams
they are set in the correct historical period, which makes a change, and are based closely upon Geoffrey of Monmouth's "History of the Kings of Britain".  The first one (my favourite)  is entirely about Merlin from his childhood to the conception of Arthur then the others take off from there.  They are also very well written.

From: junebatchelor <junebatchelor@...>
Sent: Thursday, 7 March 2013, 11:35
Subject: Book Recommendations

Thank you Liz and Joan for your recommendations, for years i have been searching for books about Arthur but all of them seem to want to destroy the romantic legend, i do like my heros to be romantic, not just a big tough warrior, so i am going to investigate Mary Stewart.


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