Norfolk Group Study Day 2004

Norfolk Group Study Day 2004

2003-10-19 19:28:08
Stephen LARK
This annual event (note NEXT YEAR) is on Saturday 13 November at the UEA in Norwich. I am quite a frequent attendee. One of the speakers is the dreaded Ms. Weir.

How about a lot of forum contributors descending upon Norwich and subjecting her to some fierce questioning (the rack and thumbscrews being illegal today)?

Re: Norfolk Group Study Day 2004

2003-10-19 19:40:39
--- In , "Stephen LARK"
<smlark@i...> wrote:
> This annual event (note NEXT YEAR) is on Saturday 13 November at
the UEA in Norwich. I am quite a frequent attendee. One of the
speakers is the dreaded Ms. Weir.
> How about a lot of forum contributors descending upon Norwich and
subjecting her to some fierce questioning (the rack and thumbscrews
being illegal today)?

I'd really love to but there's no way I'll be able to, I'm afraid.

Perhaps we should prepare our delegate(s). Is anyone able to go
through Weir, pick out her arguments and post them? Then we can
discuss what's wrong with them - one by one.

By the by, I attended the Manchester Branch study day at Norton
Priory yesterday - their first. Absolutely excellent. All speakers
fantastic, also Michael K. Jones (K is important apparently, there
are two of them). I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

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