That film - alternative cast

That film - alternative cast

2003-10-23 12:02:07
Stephen LARK
Would it have sounded better with Anthony Worrall-Thompson in the title role, if he can act?

Re: That film - alternative cast

2003-10-23 16:20:14
--- In , "Stephen LARK"
<smlark@i...> wrote:
> Would it have sounded better with Anthony Worrall-Thompson in the
title role, if he can act?

I prefer Sean Bean in all male roles, especially Culpeper, and Lucy
Lawless (Xena warrior princess) as Anne Boleyn with "Jane"
from "Waiting for God" as Anne of Cleves.

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] Re: That film - alternative cast

2003-10-24 17:38:22
marion cheatham
Brian Blessed as Henry. Agree Zena would have made a good Anne, and prehaps Nell
McAndrew as Catherine Howard (bit more vampy).

Marion C

brunhild613 <brunhild@...> wrote:
--- In , "Stephen LARK"
<smlark@i...> wrote:
> Would it have sounded better with Anthony Worrall-Thompson in the
title role, if he can act?

I prefer Sean Bean in all male roles, especially Culpeper, and Lucy
Lawless (Xena warrior princess) as Anne Boleyn with "Jane"
from "Waiting for God" as Anne of Cleves.

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