FW: AntiqBook Order

FW: AntiqBook Order

2013-03-18 18:10:44
Pamela Bain
Just in case you are tracking books, I found the Who Was Who in the Wars of the Roses from this purveyor.

From: David Spenceley [mailto:davidspenceley@...]
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 11:03 AM
To: Pamela Bain
Subject: RE: AntiqBook Order

If you are Interested in Richard the iii and his period you will find a lot of good material on my Abe Books web site if you search under Plantagenet (the name of the family to which both the Yorkist and the Lancastrian kings belonged.

My site is at www.abebooks.com.uk/home/davidspenceleybooks<http://www.abebooks.com.uk/home/davidspenceleybooks>

I also hav good contacts with the sources of new books on Richard and the Wars of the Roses in this country and can do any book which you require at less than the list price.

thanks again


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