Richard III Society Forum Digest Number 3992

Richard III Society Forum Digest Number 3992

2013-03-27 23:56:21
The Pennywhistle
Re: What happened to Richard's stuff after Bosworth - that which was
Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:19 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Claire M Jordan" whitehounduk
From: EileenB
To: richardiiisocietyfo rum@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: What happened to Richard' s stuff
after Bosworth - that which was looted?

> Oh for heaven's sake are still going on and on about some
> lighthearted remarks made yesterday by me to another poster. Dont try to
> make out we are monsters...

I'm not saying you are, and nor were the people who watched the executions.
Laughing at someone else's tears (unless you're sure they're *fake* tears)
is the sort of playground-bully behaviour which is a first step on the
slippery slope that leads to that sort of acceptance of public cruelty by,
on the whole, perfectly average people. And your fair-mindedness isn't
worth the paper it isn't written on, unless you can be fair to people you
*don't like*.

I think it's bad behaviour, and that isn't going to change, so you'll just
have to get over that.

  Messages (46

Okay, I've been silent on this list since my last fanging from

George, but I now feel the need to express an opinion here.


There is a huge difference between being fair and bending over
backwards to find reasons to excuse and justify the behavior of
the other side.  Being a survivor of abuse does not give you the

excuse to act out on such a huge and murderous scale, even if

you and/or they think otherwise.  That is the motivation of a

sociopath or psychopath.  I'm an abuse survivor, and I've had

no such desires to hurt anybody.  Her tears are just one example
of her unusualbehavior, and they were inappropriate in timing and situation.  If I think her tears are suspect, I have the right to say

so.  That, also, is not going to change, so you'll just have to get

over that, as you say.  And if I think Henry was a weasel, I'll say

that too.  Honestly, I don't think you can bully dead people. 

Defame, perhaps, but the Tydder's actions per history (and his

mummy's) speak for themselves for the most part, just as do


I think we all have the right to our opinion.  Others have the right
to carry opinions quite contrary to mine, but no one has the right

to tell me mine is wrong and to quit thinking or posting in that

way.  :)  

(I add the smiley so you know I am not intending to declare war,

just expressing my opinion as you have been.)


Live simply.  Love generously.  Care deeply.  Speak kindly.
        And never regret anything that made you smile.
Richard III
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