John Goddestande

John Goddestande

2003-12-02 06:53:22
Ann Sharp
There is a 9 March 1485 Household Account entry for clothing
for 'the Lord Bastard' -- Henry Davy to deliver unto John
Goddestande, footman to the Lord Bastard, "2 doblets of silk, one
jacket of silk, one gown of cloth, 2 shirts and 2 bonets."

Does John Goddestande's name, or his family, turn up anywhere
else, preferably in a context that would suggest *which* of the
possible LB's he might logically be associated with?



Re: John Goddestande

2003-12-02 08:35:28
--- In , "Ann Sharp"
<axsc@p...> wrote:
> There is a 9 March 1485 Household Account entry for clothing
> for 'the Lord Bastard' -- Henry Davy to deliver unto John
> Goddestande, footman to the Lord Bastard, "2 doblets of silk, one
> jacket of silk, one gown of cloth, 2 shirts and 2 bonets."
> Does John Goddestande's name, or his family, turn up anywhere
> else, preferably in a context that would suggest *which* of the
> possible LB's he might logically be associated with?
> L.P.H.,
> Ann

I don't know. By the by, the name was Goddeslande. There is only that
one mention of him in Harley 433, but it would be worth checking the
index to the CPR as well.
However, the date of the entry is just before (a day or so before, I
seem to recall) John of Gloucester left to take up his post as
Captain of Calais, so the two things are almost certainly connected.
I don't think there is much chance that the LB in question was anyone
other than John.

Re: John Goddestande

2003-12-13 15:31:34
marion davis
Jan wrote: Lorraine Pickering has some health problems
at the moment, so is not able to get online.


Please send Lorraine my best wishes for a full
recovery, Jan.

I hope she'll be online again soon.


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Re: John Goddestande

2013-03-16 12:17:06
Replying to this very old post -
The Godsland name is remarkably restricted to North Devon, although I
don't find any other references online until the 1550's or thereabouts.
It might also be worth noting that the entry in Harl ms 433, with its
reference to the "lord Bastard's" footman, was discussed in a
presentation by Stacey Grimaldi to the Law Society in 1834. At that
time it was accepted as a reference to Edward V, but "explained away" as
the footman having been formerly one of Edward V's servants.
--- In , "Ann Sharp" <axsc@...>
> There is a 9 March 1485 Household Account entry for clothing
> for 'the Lord Bastard' -- Henry Davy to deliver unto John
> Goddestande, footman to the Lord Bastard, "2 doblets of silk, one
> jacket of silk, one gown of cloth, 2 shirts and 2 bonets."
> Does John Goddestande's name, or his family, turn up anywhere
> else, preferably in a context that would suggest *which* of the
> possible LB's he might logically be associated with?
> L.P.H.,
> Ann

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