Rumor- Richard murdered Anne

Rumor- Richard murdered Anne

2013-03-30 03:54:00
Ishita Bandyo
I was wondering where this rumor originated. Was it before she died or after?

You wouldn't believe it but people " out there" truly believe it happened. They even come up with herbs that killed Anne, as if its common knowledge. I have to stop going to Internet if I want any peace and have to stop snapping at my long suffering husband for not " caring enough"! Sigh.

Ishita Bandyo
Sent from my iPad

Re: Rumor- Richard murdered Anne

2013-03-30 04:47:20
Judy Thomson
Some Internet intercession would be healthy for all of us and our Peace of mind(s). Try not to pursue everything that pops up; you'll find the ingredients of heartache (not to mention headache) as you check out those crazies. With good, reliable books like Annette's and John A-H's, try to avoid the lunatic fringe (which will always appear more numerous Online than it actually is). That's a serious downside of a slick Website - it may represent a mere handful of fools, but give an impression of vast multitudes supporting the notion.

I'm lucky to have a sympathetic mate; my only suggestion is to find moments to praise yours, whenever he shows a little interest - cares - at all. Even if it's just the fact he doesn't ridicule you: "Honey, I really appreciate how you don't make fun of me for my interest in Richard III. It means the world to me that you're on my side, even if we don't share equal enthusiasm." Or some such.

Might ease both your minds.... And pax vobiscum,

Loyaulte me lie

From: Ishita Bandyo <bandyoi@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 10:53 PM
Subject: Rumor- Richard murdered Anne

I was wondering where this rumor originated. Was it before she died or after?

You wouldn't believe it but people " out there" truly believe it happened. They even come up with herbs that killed Anne, as if its common knowledge. I have to stop going to Internet if I want any peace and have to stop snapping at my long suffering husband for not " caring enough"! Sigh.

Ishita Bandyo
Sent from my iPad

Re: Rumor- Richard murdered Anne

2013-03-30 19:25:31
Ishita Bandyo wrote:
> I was wondering where this rumor originated. Was it before she died or after? [snip]

Carol responds:

The rumor spread by Richard's enemies during his lifetime, which Richard denied publicly with great emotion, was not that he poisoned his wife but that he intended to marry EoY and was glad of his wife's death. You may want to tell these misinformed people that even the hostile Croyland Chronicler states that the queen was ill (not poisoned) and accuses Richard of nothing worse than shunning her bed (and, again, planning to marry EoY, which we know to be false). You can also quote Richard's public denial, which is quite moving and sincere. I've quoted it before, but here it is again. You might want to copy it and add it to your files:

""[I]n the Great Hall there in the presence of many of his lords and of much other people, [Richard] showed his grief and displeasure aforesaid and said it never came in his thought or mind to marry in such manner wise, nor willing nor glad of the death of his queen, but as sorry and in heart as heavy as man might be." (From the joint acts of court of the London Mercers' Company and Merchant
Adventurers, compiled 1525).

Even Vergil accuses him only of shunning her bed, spreading false rumors of her death to bring down her spirits, and then comforting her and kissing her (really), a few days after which, she dies "whether she wer dispatchyd with sorowfulness, or poyson," freeing him to look elsewhere for a wife who can give him children (EoY, according to Vergil).

So even Vergil mentions the possibility of poison only in passing. (More doesn't get that far into the story.) The rumor was in existence by 1525, but it seems to have become "fact" with Shakespeare. Anybody who has additional information or corrections, please post.


Re: Rumor- Richard murdered Anne

2013-04-03 06:54:39
Ishita Bandyo
Words of wisdom, Judy!
Carol, thank you. It's strange how some snippets are taken out and given a life of its own......

Ishita Bandyo
Sent from my iPad

On Mar 30, 2013, at 12:47 AM, Judy Thomson <judygerard.thomson@...> wrote:

> Some Internet intercession would be healthy for all of us and our Peace of mind(s). Try not to pursue everything that pops up; you'll find the ingredients of heartache (not to mention headache) as you check out those crazies. With good, reliable books like Annette's and John A-H's, try to avoid the lunatic fringe (which will always appear more numerous Online than it actually is). That's a serious downside of a slick Website - it may represent a mere handful of fools, but give an impression of vast multitudes supporting the notion.
> I'm lucky to have a sympathetic mate; my only suggestion is to find moments to praise yours, whenever he shows a little interest - cares - at all. Even if it's just the fact he doesn't ridicule you: "Honey, I really appreciate how you don't make fun of me for my interest in Richard III. It means the world to me that you're on my side, even if we don't share equal enthusiasm." Or some such.
> Might ease both your minds.... And pax vobiscum,
> Judy
> Loyaulte me lie
> ________________________________
> From: Ishita Bandyo <bandyoi@...>
> To: ">
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 10:53 PM
> Subject: Rumor- Richard murdered Anne
> I was wondering where this rumor originated. Was it before she died or after?
> You wouldn't believe it but people " out there" truly believe it happened. They even come up with herbs that killed Anne, as if its common knowledge. I have to stop going to Internet if I want any peace and have to stop snapping at my long suffering husband for not " caring enough"! Sigh.
> Ishita Bandyo
> Sent from my iPad

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