Hello from newbie

Hello from newbie

2004-01-12 20:29:16

I'm a newbie. I found this group the day before yesterday and while waiting for my membership to be accepted spent several happy hours reading through past posts, particularly those about Cecily. BTW, any group which can title posts "Who dunnit with the duchess" has to be one I want to belong to LOL.

Like many people I've been a closet Ricardian for years but was only motivated to seek out like-minded people by the recent controversy. I suspect this may spark widespread media interest in Richard and - as long as Tony Robinson isn't involved - result in a reassessment of his motives and reign.

My initial contributions to the debate are:

I read somewhere - and I don't remember where - that no DNA testing can take place on the bones of the children found in the Tower as the Queen has refused permission. Can anyone throw any light on this?

The death of the boys: Richard, throughout his life, was both honourable and politically astute. I find the idea that he ordered the murder of these childen - and left the girls live - incredible. My suspicion is that this was done by one of his supporters, wrongly supposing that the act would help him. This would have left Richard in a no-win position whereby he could never prove that he hadn't actually ordered the deaths as they were the result of the actions of a supporter.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all.


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