Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham

Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham

2013-05-15 00:37:02
Wednesday McKenna
Here's a free Google ebook version of "Archbishop Rotherham, Lord High
Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of Cambridge University: A Sketch of
His Life and Environment" by Henry Leigh Bennett in case anyone's burning
to read about him.

Or tinyurl if you prefer:



Re: Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham

2013-05-15 10:23:41
Hilary Jones
Thanks! It would seem I am condemned to look at the clergy on the trail of the Bish. But these books are gems really; think how difficult research was even twenty years ago when you were stuck in some library with someone going 'shh' every time you turned a page.

From: Wednesday McKenna <wednesday.mac@...>
Sent: Wednesday, 15 May 2013, 0:37
Subject: Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham


Here's a free Google ebook version of "Archbishop Rotherham, Lord High
Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of Cambridge University: A Sketch of
His Life and Environment" by Henry Leigh Bennett in case anyone's burning
to read about him.

Or tinyurl if you prefer:



Re: Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham

2013-05-15 12:30:46
I have another (rather weird) e-book here - focused on the history of a part of Sheffield I know well, which not only mentions Rotherham and his local affiliations there but imagines him spending Christmas 1482 at a local manor-house - it is a curious mix of history and imagination (and the whole text is very very long). I am currently working my way through it:


--- In , Hilary Jones <hjnatdat@...> wrote:
> Thanks! It would seem I am condemned to look at the clergy on the trail of the Bish. But these books are gems really; think how difficult research was even twenty years ago when you were stuck in some library with someone going 'shh' every time you turned a page.
> ________________________________
> From: Wednesday McKenna <wednesday.mac@...>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, 15 May 2013, 0:37
> Subject: Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham
> Here's a free Google ebook version of "Archbishop Rotherham, Lord High
> Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of Cambridge University: A Sketch of
> His Life and Environment" by Henry Leigh Bennett in case anyone's burning
> to read about him.
> Or tinyurl if you prefer:
> *
> *

Re: Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham

2013-05-15 12:41:11
Hilary Jones
Thanks. I've just also been looking at Reggie Bray. My, what a fool was Edward!

From: colyngbourne <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, 15 May 2013, 12:30
Subject: Re: Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham


I have another (rather weird) e-book here - focused on the history of a part of Sheffield I know well, which not only mentions Rotherham and his local affiliations there but imagines him spending Christmas 1482 at a local manor-house - it is a curious mix of history and imagination (and the whole text is very very long). I am currently working my way through it:


--- In , Hilary Jones <hjnatdat@...> wrote:
> Thanks! It would seem I am condemned to look at the clergy on the trail of the Bish. But these books are gems really; think how difficult research was even twenty years ago when you were stuck in some library with someone going 'shh' every time you turned a page.
> ________________________________
> From: Wednesday McKenna <wednesday.mac@...>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, 15 May 2013, 0:37
> Subject: Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham
> Here's a free Google ebook version of "Archbishop Rotherham, Lord High
> Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of Cambridge University: A Sketch of
> His Life and Environment" by Henry Leigh Bennett in case anyone's burning
> to read about him.
> Or tinyurl if you prefer:
> *
> *

Re: Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham

2013-05-17 17:28:49
--- In , Wednesday McKenna <wednesday.mac@...> wrote:
> Here's a free Google ebook version of "Archbishop Rotherham, Lord High Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of Cambridge University: A Sketch of His Life and Environment" by Henry Leigh Bennett in case anyone's burning to read about him.
> Or tinyurl if you prefer:
> *

Carol responds:

Thanks, Weds. I suppose that 1901 (MCMI) is an improvement over 1895! But, no, I'm not burning to read about him. The very thought of him gives me indigestion.


Re: Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham

2013-05-17 17:35:01
Hilary Jones wrote:
> Thanks. I've just also been looking at Reggie Bray. My, what a fool was Edward!

Carol responds:

You've aroused my curiosity. Care to expand on that thought? (BTW, I agree that Reginald Bray was a dangerous man.)


Re: Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham

2013-05-17 18:11:25
Hilary Jones
I'm still digging and will come back to you with more detailed info. Give me a day or two. But for starters Edward had granted three pardons to his and his wife's family between 1460 and 1470. And everything starts with his service to the Staffords and MB, and therefore by association our friend Buckingham as well (who visited MB when she was Auntie Stafford). Add to that that he too was related to the Talbot/Butlers. Now you see why I haven't joined in the Princes in the Towers discussion; I haven't even got there - that may indeed take some time!!  

From: justcarol67 <justcarol67@...>
Sent: Friday, 17 May 2013, 17:34
Subject: Re: Free Gooogle ebook on Rotherham


Hilary Jones wrote:
> Thanks. I've just also been looking at Reggie Bray. My, what a fool was Edward!

Carol responds:

You've aroused my curiosity. Care to expand on that thought? (BTW, I agree that Reginald Bray was a dangerous man.)


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