Richard III: King has new home

Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-17 17:36:49

"Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who has promised the actual remains of the Plantagenet king would only leave Leicester over his dead body."

Re: Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-17 21:35:10
david rayner
I'm sure that could be arranged...

From: hli4 <hli4@...>
Sent: Friday, 17 May 2013, 17:36
Subject: Richard III: King has new home


"Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who has promised the actual remains of the Plantagenet king would only leave Leicester over his dead body."

Re: Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-17 21:39:54
Claire M Jordan
From: david rayner
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: Richard III: King has new home

>> "Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who has promised the actual remains
>> of the Plantagenet king would only leave Leicester over his dead body."

> I'm sure that could be arranged...

I thought it, but I wasn't going to say it....

Note that when I wrote to various Leicester worthies I got friendly and
quite encouraging replies from the uni and the cathedral, but from Soulsby,
just a boilerplate letter.

Re: Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-17 21:53:25
Hilary Jones
And has anyone picked up that Leicester's motto is 'semper eadem' which they took proudly from Liz1 (just wiki it)? Poor Richard, stuck forever in a town with the motto of his Tudor victor's granddaughter.

From: Claire M Jordan <whitehound@...>
Sent: Friday, 17 May 2013, 21:41
Subject: Re: Richard III: King has new home


From: david rayner
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: Richard III: King has new home

>> "Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who has promised the actual remains
>> of the Plantagenet king would only leave Leicester over his dead body."

> I'm sure that could be arranged...

I thought it, but I wasn't going to say it....

Note that when I wrote to various Leicester worthies I got friendly and
quite encouraging replies from the uni and the cathedral, but from Soulsby,
just a boilerplate letter.

Re: Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-17 22:46:19
In a message dated 5/17/2013 3:39:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
whitehound@... writes:

>> "Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who has promised the actual remains
>> of the Plantagenet king would only leave Leicester over his dead body."

> I'm sure that could be arranged...

I thought it, but I wasn't going to say it....

Note that when I wrote to various Leicester worthies I got friendly and
quite encouraging replies from the uni and the cathedral, but from
just a boilerplate letter.
That's pretty suggestive -- when the uni and cathedral will react in kind
when treated respectfully and intelligently, and the political/secular arm
of the city isn't even listening, that seems to say that the city's
politicos see RIII as a cash cow and are going to be the strongest opponents of
letting him go.

By the way, Is it just me, or does the article's title (likely chosen by
the editor or sub-editor and not the journo who wrote it) seem a little too
intent on portraying the settling-in as a fait accompli?

I mean, really -- Richard hasn't settled in *anywhere* just yet. Neither
his bones nor his reconstructed head, which is going on tour, have found a
final resting place.


Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-17 23:44:53
Claire M Jordan
From: Hilary Jones
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: Richard III: King has new home

> And has anyone picked up that Leicester's motto is 'semper eadem' which
> they took proudly from Liz1 (just wiki it)? Poor Richard, stuck forever in
> a town with the motto of his Tudor victor's granddaughter.

She was his own great great niece, though - and the granddaughter of EoY who
doodled his motto in her books.

Re: Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-20 18:13:37
Is it worth writing to comment on his poor choice of phrase & the offence it causes to those who disapprove of the king being used as a machine to produce money?


--- In , khafara@... wrote:
> In a message dated 5/17/2013 3:39:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> whitehound@... writes:
> >> "Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who has promised the actual remains
> >> of the Plantagenet king would only leave Leicester over his dead body."
> > I'm sure that could be arranged...
> I thought it, but I wasn't going to say it....
> Note that when I wrote to various Leicester worthies I got friendly and
> quite encouraging replies from the uni and the cathedral, but from
> Soulsby,
> just a boilerplate letter.
> That's pretty suggestive -- when the uni and cathedral will react in kind
> when treated respectfully and intelligently, and the political/secular arm
> of the city isn't even listening, that seems to say that the city's
> politicos see RIII as a cash cow and are going to be the strongest opponents of
> letting him go.
> By the way, Is it just me, or does the article's title (likely chosen by
> the editor or sub-editor and not the journo who wrote it) seem a little too
> intent on portraying the settling-in as a fait accompli?
> I mean, really -- Richard hasn't settled in *anywhere* just yet. Neither
> his bones nor his reconstructed head, which is going on tour, have found a
> final resting place.
> Tamara
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-20 18:24:05
A J Hibbard
Yes, even if it just makes you feel better, & is otherwise like tilting at


On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 12:13 PM, janmulrenan@... <
janmulrenan@...> wrote:

> **
> Is it worth writing to comment on his poor choice of phrase & the offence
> it causes to those who disapprove of the king being used as a machine to
> produce money?
> Jan.
> --- In , khafara@... wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > In a message dated 5/17/2013 3:39:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> > whitehound@... writes:
> >
> >
> > >> "Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who has promised the actual
> remains
> > >> of the Plantagenet king would only leave Leicester over his dead
> body."
> >
> > > I'm sure that could be arranged...
> >
> > I thought it, but I wasn't going to say it....
> >
> > Note that when I wrote to various Leicester worthies I got friendly and
> > quite encouraging replies from the uni and the cathedral, but from
> > Soulsby,
> > just a boilerplate letter.
> > That's pretty suggestive -- when the uni and cathedral will react in
> kind
> > when treated respectfully and intelligently, and the political/secular
> arm
> > of the city isn't even listening, that seems to say that the city's
> > politicos see RIII as a cash cow and are going to be the strongest
> opponents of
> > letting him go.
> >
> > By the way, Is it just me, or does the article's title (likely chosen by
> > the editor or sub-editor and not the journo who wrote it) seem a little
> too
> > intent on portraying the settling-in as a fait accompli?
> >
> > I mean, really -- Richard hasn't settled in *anywhere* just yet. Neither
> > his bones nor his reconstructed head, which is going on tour, have found
> a
> > final resting place.
> >
> > Tamara
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-20 20:10:35
Pamela Bain
But look who turned out to be the hero, Don Quixote! So perhaps all of us whacking away will make some difference. And the man, obviously, is clueless with his choice of words!

On May 20, 2013, at 12:47 PM, "A J Hibbard" <ajhibbard@...> wrote:

> Yes, even if it just makes you feel better, & is otherwise like tilting at
> windmills.
> A J
> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 12:13 PM, janmulrenan@... <
> janmulrenan@...> wrote:
>> **
>> Is it worth writing to comment on his poor choice of phrase & the offence
>> it causes to those who disapprove of the king being used as a machine to
>> produce money?
>> Jan.
>> --- In , khafara@... wrote:
>>> In a message dated 5/17/2013 3:39:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
>>> whitehound@... writes:
>>>>> "Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who has promised the actual
>> remains
>>>>> of the Plantagenet king would only leave Leicester over his dead
>> body."
>>>> I'm sure that could be arranged...
>>> I thought it, but I wasn't going to say it....
>>> Note that when I wrote to various Leicester worthies I got friendly and
>>> quite encouraging replies from the uni and the cathedral, but from
>>> Soulsby,
>>> just a boilerplate letter.
>>> That's pretty suggestive -- when the uni and cathedral will react in
>> kind
>>> when treated respectfully and intelligently, and the political/secular
>> arm
>>> of the city isn't even listening, that seems to say that the city's
>>> politicos see RIII as a cash cow and are going to be the strongest
>> opponents of
>>> letting him go.
>>> By the way, Is it just me, or does the article's title (likely chosen by
>>> the editor or sub-editor and not the journo who wrote it) seem a little
>> too
>>> intent on portraying the settling-in as a fait accompli?
>>> I mean, really -- Richard hasn't settled in *anywhere* just yet. Neither
>>> his bones nor his reconstructed head, which is going on tour, have found
>> a
>>> final resting place.
>>> Tamara
>>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-21 03:16:33
Ishita Bandyo
What's the point? Sadly whatever we say or do will not make a whit of difference to them.......

Ishita Bandyo
Sent from my iPad

On May 20, 2013, at 1:13 PM, "janmulrenan@..." <janmulrenan@...> wrote:

> Is it worth writing to comment on his poor choice of phrase & the offence it causes to those who disapprove of the king being used as a machine to produce money?
> Jan.
> --- In , khafara@... wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > In a message dated 5/17/2013 3:39:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> > whitehound@... writes:
> >
> >
> > >> "Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who has promised the actual remains
> > >> of the Plantagenet king would only leave Leicester over his dead body."
> >
> > > I'm sure that could be arranged...
> >
> > I thought it, but I wasn't going to say it....
> >
> > Note that when I wrote to various Leicester worthies I got friendly and
> > quite encouraging replies from the uni and the cathedral, but from
> > Soulsby,
> > just a boilerplate letter.
> > That's pretty suggestive -- when the uni and cathedral will react in kind
> > when treated respectfully and intelligently, and the political/secular arm
> > of the city isn't even listening, that seems to say that the city's
> > politicos see RIII as a cash cow and are going to be the strongest opponents of
> > letting him go.
> >
> > By the way, Is it just me, or does the article's title (likely chosen by
> > the editor or sub-editor and not the journo who wrote it) seem a little too
> > intent on portraying the settling-in as a fait accompli?
> >
> > I mean, really -- Richard hasn't settled in *anywhere* just yet. Neither
> > his bones nor his reconstructed head, which is going on tour, have found a
> > final resting place.
> >
> > Tamara
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-23 17:51:34
"hli4" wrote:
> fyi
> "Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who has promised the actual remains of the Plantagenet king would only leave Leicester over his dead body."
Carol responds:

The quotation is not new. Soulsby first made it back when Richard's remains had not been definitively identified. Here's a link to the oldest article I could find in which it appears:

Note that the date of this article is October 3, 2012. There may be older articles with the same quotation, but this one is sufficient to make the point. The quotation appears as the last line of the article.

Why the same website is requoting it now, I don't know.


Re: Richard III: King has new home

2013-05-23 20:22:15
Jan Mulrenan
If the quote is that old then I feel there is little point in complaining about its insensitivity now. Somebody in Leicester will no doubt say something equally galling again when news comes out about what the Leicester Cathedral authorities decide concerning the re-interment.


On 23 May 2013, at 17:51, "justcarol67" <justcarol67@...> wrote:

> "hli4" wrote:
> >
> > fyi
> >
> >
> >
> > "Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby, who has promised the actual remains of the Plantagenet king would only leave Leicester over his dead body."
> >
> Carol responds:
> The quotation is not new. Soulsby first made it back when Richard's remains had not been definitively identified. Here's a link to the oldest article I could find in which it appears:
> Note that the date of this article is October 3, 2012. There may be older articles with the same quotation, but this one is sufficient to make the point. The quotation appears as the last line of the article.
> Why the same website is requoting it now, I don't know.
> Carol

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