ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned

ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned

2013-07-01 18:31:34
Wednesday McKenna
I guess Richard's relations lost their court case, as it appears Leicester
Cathedral is moving ahead with their plans to rebury Richard.

"Two artists have been commissioned to create a pair of stained-glass
windows and a funeral pall as part of Leicester Cathedral's plans to rebury
Richard III."

Long URL:

Tiny URL:


- *Friend:* Are you upset about the outcome of the election?
- *Me:* I'm upset about the outcome of the War of the Roses.

Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned

2013-07-01 22:14:02
The court case is still before the High Court, so I consider it premature that the cathedral is going ahead with plans and organising still more things.

--- In , Wednesday McKenna <wednesday.mac@...> wrote:
> I guess Richard's relations lost their court case, as it appears Leicester
> Cathedral is moving ahead with their plans to rebury Richard.
> "Two artists have been commissioned to create a pair of stained-glass
> windows and a funeral pall as part of Leicester Cathedral's plans to rebury
> Richard III."
> Long URL:
> Tiny URL:
> ~Weds
> --
> - *Friend:* Are you upset about the outcome of the election?
> - *Me:* I'm upset about the outcome of the War of the Roses.

Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned

2013-07-02 10:01:03
Hilary Jones
Is this a way to skew the Court case - Leicester have already spent so much, presumably, public money.....?  Though I doubt it will sway their Lordships. BTW someone has pointed out that until recently Leicester didn't have a cathedral, so Richard certainly wouldn't have chosen to be buried in that building.

From: colyngbourne <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, 1 July 2013, 22:14
Subject: Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned


The court case is still before the High Court, so I consider it premature that the cathedral is going ahead with plans and organising still more things.

--- In , Wednesday McKenna <wednesday.mac@...> wrote:
> I guess Richard's relations lost their court case, as it appears Leicester
> Cathedral is moving ahead with their plans to rebury Richard.
> "Two artists have been commissioned to create a pair of stained-glass
> windows and a funeral pall as part of Leicester Cathedral's plans to rebury
> Richard III."
> Long URL:
> Tiny URL:
> ~Weds
> --
> - *Friend:* Are you upset about the outcome of the election?
> - *Me:* I'm upset about the outcome of the War of the Roses.

Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned

2013-07-02 10:17:53
I hope not, Hilary.

The case being presented is on the lack of consultation both specifically and generally, in the case of a named individual with collateral descendants (who have proven their descent) and in the case of a King of England. If it is the case that post-100 years burials need no consultation at all, then what do we imagine being the case if the remains of poor Keith Bennett are ever found, sixty years from now? That he is re-interred wherever the finders happen to decide, or in the nearest church? I hope the judge is looking at "should a university department, in local agreements with a city council who stipulated that if the dig went ahead, the remains had to stay in Leicester, be able to choose the burial location of a king of England" rather than "how much money have Leicester invested in this situation". And Richard's own likely wishes should be taken into account by the judge - these have been wholly ignored in this matter. We cannot *know* his wishes but burial advice states that we should, if possible, infer his likely wishes - and they are not St Martin's Church (now Cathedral), Leicester.

--- In , Hilary Jones <hjnatdat@...> wrote:
> Is this a way to skew the Court case - Leicester have already spent so much, presumably, public money.....?  Though I doubt it will sway their Lordships. BTW someone has pointed out that until recently Leicester didn't have a cathedral, so Richard certainly wouldn't have chosen to be buried in that building.
> ________________________________
> From: colyngbourne <[email protected]>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, 1 July 2013, 22:14
> Subject: Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned
> The court case is still before the High Court, so I consider it premature that the cathedral is going ahead with plans and organising still more things.
> --- In , Wednesday McKenna <wednesday.mac@> wrote:
> >
> > I guess Richard's relations lost their court case, as it appears Leicester
> > Cathedral is moving ahead with their plans to rebury Richard.
> >
> > "Two artists have been commissioned to create a pair of stained-glass
> > windows and a funeral pall as part of Leicester Cathedral's plans to rebury
> > Richard III."
> >
> >
> > Long URL:
> >
> >
> > Tiny URL:
> >
> >
> >
> > ~Weds
> > --
> >
> > - *Friend:* Are you upset about the outcome of the election?
> > - *Me:* I'm upset about the outcome of the War of the Roses.
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned

2013-07-02 11:51:41
Jonathan Evans
I very much doubt it - the law just doesn't work in that way.  Leicester will be proceeding because the time-frame doesn't allow them to shut preparations down for three months, and - I imagine - their legal advice suggests that the challenge is unlikely to be successful.  But I must admit, I'm not sure what's public money and what's not.  For instance, the Society was going to pay for a table tomb.  Stained glass windows could be church funds, i.e. not public, with or without a (public) contribution from LCC...


From: Hilary Jones <hjnatdat@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 July 2013, 10:01
Subject: Re: Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned

Is this a way to skew the Court case - Leicester have already spent so much, presumably, public money.....?  Though I doubt it will sway their Lordships. BTW someone has pointed out that until recently Leicester didn't have a cathedral, so Richard certainly wouldn't have chosen to be buried in that building.

From: colyngbourne <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, 1 July 2013, 22:14
Subject: Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned


The court case is still before the High Court, so I consider it premature that the cathedral is going ahead with plans and organising still more things.

--- In , Wednesday McKenna <wednesday.mac@...> wrote:
> I guess Richard's relations lost their court case, as it appears Leicester
> Cathedral is moving ahead with their plans to rebury Richard.
> "Two artists have been commissioned to create a pair of stained-glass
> windows and a funeral pall as part of Leicester Cathedral's plans to rebury
> Richard III."
> Long URL:
> Tiny URL:
> ~Weds
> --
> - *Friend:* Are you upset about the outcome of the election?
> - *Me:* I'm upset about the outcome of the War of the Roses.

Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned

2013-07-02 13:32:36
Hilary Jones
Exactly, the Law doesn't work in that way. But public opinion does if money appears to have been wrongly spent (even if it's from the collection plate).  I love the idea of stained-glass windows, always have. Table tomb a bit nineteenth century 'gentry'.

From: Jonathan Evans <jmcevans98@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 July 2013, 11:51
Subject: Re: Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned


I very much doubt it - the law just doesn't work in that way.  Leicester will be proceeding because the time-frame doesn't allow them to shut preparations down for three months, and - I imagine - their legal advice suggests that the challenge is unlikely to be successful.  But I must admit, I'm not sure what's public money and what's not.  For instance, the Society was going to pay for a table tomb.  Stained glass windows could be church funds, i.e. not public, with or without a (public) contribution from LCC...


From: Hilary Jones <hjnatdat@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 July 2013, 10:01
Subject: Re: Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned

Is this a way to skew the Court case - Leicester have already spent so much, presumably, public money.....?  Though I doubt it will sway their Lordships. BTW someone has pointed out that until recently Leicester didn't have a cathedral, so Richard certainly wouldn't have chosen to be buried in that building.

From: colyngbourne <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, 1 July 2013, 22:14
Subject: Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned


The court case is still before the High Court, so I consider it premature that the cathedral is going ahead with plans and organising still more things.

--- In , Wednesday McKenna <wednesday.mac@...> wrote:
> I guess Richard's relations lost their court case, as it appears Leicester
> Cathedral is moving ahead with their plans to rebury Richard.
> "Two artists have been commissioned to create a pair of stained-glass
> windows and a funeral pall as part of Leicester Cathedral's plans to rebury
> Richard III."
> Long URL:
> Tiny URL:
> ~Weds
> --
> - *Friend:* Are you upset about the outcome of the election?
> - *Me:* I'm upset about the outcome of the War of the Roses.

Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned

2013-07-02 17:15:00
That's a bit arrogant of Leicester, isn't it?

Then again, I suppose they could still promote their modern stained glass and remodeled chapel for tourists to pay and pray for his immortal soul after said tourists have toured Bosworth and the city's new museum, even if the king is buried elsewhere. There's money to be made from him, regardless.


--- In , colyngbourne <no_reply@...> wrote:
> The court case is still before the High Court, so I consider it premature that the cathedral is going ahead with plans and organising still more things.
> --- In , Wednesday McKenna <wednesday.mac@> wrote:
> >
> > I guess Richard's relations lost their court case, as it appears Leicester
> > Cathedral is moving ahead with their plans to rebury Richard.
> >
> > "Two artists have been commissioned to create a pair of stained-glass
> > windows and a funeral pall as part of Leicester Cathedral's plans to rebury
> > Richard III."
> >
> >
> > Long URL:
> >
> >
> > Tiny URL:
> >

Re: ARTICLE: Stained-Glass Windows & Funeral Pall Commissioned

2013-07-02 17:54:28
Jonathan Evans
Arrogant is probably a little unfair. They'd be flayed if they put everything on hold for a court judgement and then weren't ready in time for the interment. Whether they should be announcing stuff is more of a moot point, but if they want the event to have the impact it deserves, they need to keep it in the public eye.

Yes, Leicester will hope to make money from this, but *everywhere* with any kind of connection to Richard is doing the same thing. The festivals at York and Middleham aren't fuelled solely by devotion to a long-lost son.

And that's not necessarily wrong, nor a new phenomenon. The monks at Canterbury may have venerated Beckett, but they expected him to pay his way.


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