Something new or old news re-packaged?

Something new or old news re-packaged?

2013-08-15 16:42:59
Jonathan Evans

The book is currently listed on Amazon at £45, which I'm hoping is an error!


Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?

2013-08-15 17:01:05
Oxbow Books has it at £36  which is still bad enough.

From: Jonathan Evans
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 4:42 PM
To: Richard III Society Forum
Subject: Something new or old news re-packaged?

The book is currently listed on Amazon at £45, which I'm hoping is an error!


Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?

2013-08-15 17:26:59
Judy Thomson
The answer to the title query: Is this new, etc., might be that it's familiar to us but news to a great many people.  :-)
Loyaulte me lie

From: SandraMachin <sandramachin@...>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?

Oxbow Books has it at £36  which is still bad enough.

From: Jonathan Evans
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 4:42 PM
To: Richard III Society Forum
Subject: Something new or old news re-packaged?

The book is currently listed on Amazon at £45, which I'm hoping is an error!


Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?

2013-08-15 17:37:22
Jonathan Evans
Maybe so. The article implied some kind of new revelation this weekend, but it may just be journalistic hyperbole for a press launch - and I've since seen that Glenn Foard and Anne Curry are doing a number of talks at Bosworth as part of the anniversary commemoration.

Still hope that's not the real price of the book, though, or it will have *very* limited sales!


Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?

2013-08-15 18:02:33
Judy Thomson
It has a nice cover, Jonathan. Too bad there are no preview pages at Amazon. 

Perhaps there are a lot of illustrations, especially the kind that are situated amongst text (as opposed to being in one or more clumps of plates, in the centre of the book). Sometimes the photos themselves can be costly to secure the use of, and printing them directly with the content *might* account for a steep retail price. 

Actually, I hope there are lots of pictures, for this price.

Otherwise the publisher may be just greedy, knowing this market is somewhat hot right now.

Loyaulte me lie

From: Jonathan Evans <jmcevans98@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?

Maybe so. The article implied some kind of new revelation this weekend, but it may just be journalistic hyperbole for a press launch - and I've since seen that Glenn Foard and Anne Curry are doing a number of talks at Bosworth as part of the anniversary commemoration.

Still hope that's not the real price of the book, though, or it will have *very* limited sales!


Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?

2013-08-15 18:15:09
Judy Thomson
Hmm. As I think of it, for that price, a Taschen book would be lavishly illustrated. It's too bad no one has produced the "Ultimate Richard III in art" for this would be a value at twice the price (I owned Taschen's book of illuminations, and it's gorgeous).

Loyaulte me lie

From: Jonathan Evans <jmcevans98@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?

Maybe so. The article implied some kind of new revelation this weekend, but it may just be journalistic hyperbole for a press launch - and I've since seen that Glenn Foard and Anne Curry are doing a number of talks at Bosworth as part of the anniversary commemoration.

Still hope that's not the real price of the book, though, or it will have *very* limited sales!


Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?

2013-08-15 18:32:33
The book can be got at Oxbow Books for £36 plus postage of £3.95
Loyaulte me Lie

--- In , Judy Thomson <judygerard.thomson@...> wrote:
> Hmm. As I think of it, for that price, a Taschen book would be lavishly illustrated. It's too bad no one has produced the "Ultimate Richard III in art" for this would be a value at twice the price (I owned Taschen's book of illuminations, and it's gorgeous).
> Judy
> Loyaulte me lie
> ________________________________
> From: Jonathan Evans <jmcevans98@...>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:37 AM
> Subject: Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?
> Maybe so. The article implied some kind of new revelation this weekend, but it may just be journalistic hyperbole for a press launch - and I've since seen that Glenn Foard and Anne Curry are doing a number of talks at Bosworth as part of the anniversary commemoration.
> Still hope that's not the real price of the book, though, or it will have *very* limited sales!
> Jonathan
> Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?

2013-08-15 20:17:53
I suspect it's just expensive because published by the OUP. They are more used to putting out dry tomes that sell very few copies. Big mistake in this case, I should say - this would sell like hot cakes if they put a reasonable price tag on it.

--- In , Judy Thomson <judygerard.thomson@...> wrote:
> It has a nice cover, Jonathan. Too bad there are no preview pages at Amazon. 
> Perhaps there are a lot of illustrations, especially the kind that are situated amongst text (as opposed to being in one or more clumps of plates, in the centre of the book). Sometimes the photos themselves can be costly to secure the use of, and printing them directly with the content *might* account for a steep retail price. 
> Actually, I hope there are lots of pictures, for this price.
> Otherwise the publisher may be just greedy, knowing this market is somewhat hot right now.
> Judy
> Loyaulte me lie
> ________________________________
> From: Jonathan Evans <jmcevans98@...>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:37 AM
> Subject: Re: Something new or old news re-packaged?
> Maybe so. The article implied some kind of new revelation this weekend, but it may just be journalistic hyperbole for a press launch - and I've since seen that Glenn Foard and Anne Curry are doing a number of talks at Bosworth as part of the anniversary commemoration.
> Still hope that's not the real price of the book, though, or it will have *very* limited sales!
> Jonathan
> Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
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