Warning - another ****** virus

Warning - another ****** virus

2004-04-12 16:29:38
Stephen LARK
>Unfortunately a virus has been passed to me through an address book virus
>which also infected my address book. Since you are in my address book, you
>will probably find it in your computer too. The virus (called jdbg.exe, or
>jdbgmgr.exe) is not detected by Norton or McAfee Antivirus. It sits quietly
>for 14 days before damaging the system. It is sent automatically by
>"messenger" and by address book, whether or not you sent email to your
>contacts. Basically, that means you will pass it along unknowingly, as I
>did. I was sent this email and am now passing it on to you as to how to
>check for the virus and how to get rid of it.
> Please do this.
>It's very simple to do and took me less than a minute to complete.
>1. Go to Start, then click your 'Find' or 'Search' option
>2. In the folder option, type the name "jdbgmgr.exe"
>3. Be sure to search your C Drive and all the sub folders and any other
>drives you may have.
>4. Click 'Find Now,' or 'Search.'
>5. The virus has a teddy bear icon with the name "jdbgmgr.exe" Don't open
>6. Go to "Edit" (on the menu bar) and choose "Select All" to highlight the
>file without opening it.
>7. Now go to "File" (on the menu bar) and select "Delete." That will send
>the virus to the recycle bin.
>If you find the virus, you must contact all the
>people in your Address Book so that they may
>eradicate the virus from their own address books.
>To do this:
>1. Open a new email message
>2. Click the icon "Address Book" next to "TO"
>3. Highlight every name and add to "BCC"
>4. Copy this message and paste to email. This will affect everyone in your
>address book, so send it.

Warning - another ****** virus

2004-04-12 16:51:37
marion davis
Unfortunately a virus has been passed to me through an
address book virus
>which also infected my address book. Since you are in
my address book, you
>will probably find it in your computer too. The virus
(called jdbg.exe, or
>jdbgmgr.exe) is not detected by Norton or McAfee
Antivirus. It sits quietly
>for 14 days before damaging the system. It is sent
automatically by
>"messenger" and by address book, whether or not you
sent email to your
>contacts. Basically, that means you will pass it
along unknowingly, as I
>did. I was sent this email and am now passing it on
to you as to how to
>check for the virus and how to get rid of it.
> Please do this.
>It's very simple to do and took me less than a minute
to complete.
>1. Go to Start, then click your 'Find' or 'Search'
>2. In the folder option, type the name "jdbgmgr.exe"
>3. Be sure to search your C Drive and all the sub
folders and any other
>drives you may have.
>4. Click 'Find Now,' or 'Search.'
>5. The virus has a teddy bear icon with the name
"jdbgmgr.exe" Don't open
>6. Go to "Edit" (on the menu bar) and choose "Select
All" to highlight the
>file without opening it.
>7. Now go to "File" (on the menu bar) and select
"Delete." That will send
>the virus to the recycle bin.
>If you find the virus, you must contact all the
>people in your Address Book so that they may
>eradicate the virus from their own address books.
>To do this:
>1. Open a new email message
>2. Click the icon "Address Book" next to "TO"
>3. Highlight every name and add to "BCC"
>4. Copy this message and paste to email. This will
affect everyone in your
>address book, so send it.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] Warning - another ****** virus

2004-04-12 17:26:16
Laura Blanchard
Check the Symantec and McAfee sites before following these instructions.
I'm almost certain this is the hoax that exhorts you to delete a harmless
file that's installed as part of Windows.

marion davis said:
> Unfortunately a virus has been passed to me through an
> address book virus
>>which also infected my address book. Since you are in
> my address book, you
>>will probably find it in your computer too. The virus
> (called jdbg.exe, or
>>jdbgmgr.exe) is not detected by Norton or McAfee
> Antivirus. It sits quietly
>>for 14 days before damaging the system. It is sent
> automatically by
>>"messenger" and by address book, whether or not you
> sent email to your
>>contacts. Basically, that means you will pass it
> along unknowingly, as I
>>did. I was sent this email and am now passing it on
> to you as to how to
>>check for the virus and how to get rid of it.
>> Please do this.
>>It's very simple to do and took me less than a minute
> to complete.
>>1. Go to Start, then click your 'Find' or 'Search'
> option
>>2. In the folder option, type the name "jdbgmgr.exe"
>>3. Be sure to search your C Drive and all the sub
> folders and any other
>>drives you may have.
>>4. Click 'Find Now,' or 'Search.'
>>5. The virus has a teddy bear icon with the name
> "jdbgmgr.exe" Don't open
>>6. Go to "Edit" (on the menu bar) and choose "Select
> All" to highlight the
>>file without opening it.
>>7. Now go to "File" (on the menu bar) and select
> "Delete." That will send
>>the virus to the recycle bin.
>>If you find the virus, you must contact all the
>>people in your Address Book so that they may
>>eradicate the virus from their own address books.
>>To do this:
>>1. Open a new email message
>>2. Click the icon "Address Book" next to "TO"
>>3. Highlight every name and add to "BCC"
>>4. Copy this message and paste to email. This will
> affect everyone in your
>>address book, so send it.
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th
> http://taxes.yahoo.com/filing.html
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Laura Blanchard
(sent from my backup account, backup@...)
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