Yorkshire Branch Richard III Society Branch day

Yorkshire Branch Richard III Society Branch day

2013-09-28 12:52:08
Yorkshire Branch of Richard III Society are holding a branch open day on Sat 5th October at Jacob's Well, Trinity Lane, York. It's a come and go day with video's talks and sales. Starts 10.00am to 4pm. Come and have a talk to us you will be welcome.
Loyaulte me Lie

Re: Yorkshire Branch Richard III Society Branch day

2013-09-28 22:31:16
Sharon Feely
Didn't know about this, might drop by!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 12:52
Yorkshire Branch Richard III Society Branch day

Yorkshire Branch of Richard III Society are holding a branch open day on
Sat 5th October at Jacob's Well, Trinity Lane, York. It's a come and go day
with video's talks and sales. Starts 10.00am to 4pm. Come and have a talk to
us you will be welcome.Loyaulte me LieChristine
Richard III
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